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Mr. Rossi's Dreams

Mr. Rossi's Dreams (1977)

August. 04,1977
| Adventure Animation Comedy Family

At the end of another week of work Rossi returns home with the intention of enjoying a quiet and peaceful weekend. He lives with Gastone, his dog-friend,who, after a week of loneliness, can't wait to go out, for instance to the movies, and have fun. Gastone as a matter of fact is a passionate fan of movies, television and heroes' books. He always compares Rossi with them and nags with a petulant : "Rossi, Rossi, if you only were...braver, stronger, richer...". His continuous complaints push Rossi to identify himself with those heroes; throughout the film we will meet Rossi-Tarzan, Rossi-Astronaut, Rossi-Sherlock Holmes, Rossi-Zorro, Rossi-Hollywood actor, Rossi-scientist, Rossi-Lancelot, Rossi-Aladdin. Eight fantastic adventures in which Rossi, along with faithful Gastone, relishes the joy of being a hero.


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A Major Disappointment

Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


"Mr. Rossi's Dreams" (English title)was my favorite movie to watch when I was little. All about a little man who goes on interesting dream journies with his talking dog (Harold I believe his name was). The scene that sticks out in my head the most is the space scene with the song "Tete" (Great for it's sing along purposes). If you ever find this movie then rent or buy it as quickly as you can. People of all ages will get a kick out of it. However my copy died one snow day many years ago and I have still yet to find a replacement.


Mr Rossi, whilst for some reason massively popular in Germany, remains an absolutely rare diamond in the UK or US. This is a real shame, since Mr Rossi's cartoon antics have made me laugh like no other cartoon before or since. Pure gold dust, and such a disappointment that these films are never shown anymore!


Am I the only person in the world who has seen the Mr. Rossi movies? I certainly hope not. When I was very young, they would show them on TV, and I taped a few. I think I may have rare material!The story is about a short, mustached man named Rossi, who has a talking dog named Harold. They were always getting into crazy adventures. It was your typical kiddie cartoon movie, but I remember really enjoying it. I know that they are dubbed into English, and I hope they at least put them back on TV sometime.
