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Neram (2013)

May. 10,2013
| Drama Action Comedy Thriller

Mathew is a graduate in software engineering, but is now jobless. He is waiting for his good time to get a good job. Mathew has borrowed some money as loan. Now he cannot give it back as he has no job. Mathew's childhood friend Jeena Johnykkutty is ready to help him as she could. She has a job. Her father Johnykkutty does not like Mathew and he always tries to trouble Mathew whenever he gets a chance. At this time Mathew's good time arrives; but along with it many problems too. The gripping events that follow plot the rest of 'Neram'.


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Too much of everything


Simply Perfect


Expected more


The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.


A good friend of mine, with whom I discuss most of the good Tamil and Malayalam movies (contemporary) I'd heard of or watched, recommended this one to me. I bought the DVD, but by this time, I'd always watched Nivin & Nazriya in the spectacular 'Ohm Shanthi Ohshaana' last year. Having heard that this was their debut, along with knowing that it dabbled in the pulp crime genre, and that Jigarthanda's Simha had a prominent role, I'd been piqued to watch this as soon as time permitted.Finally got to do that a few days back.Unfortunately, it did not make the grade to be considered a good movie, though one of the tracks is now, justifiably, a cult classic. The movie apparently had some good box office too, and I think that's always a nice thing, since it IS offbeat, but more offbeat for effect, not necessarily an organic thing.The plot seems to be kept simple intentionally, and that's a good thing, in addition to controlling runtime, which is a slim under 2 hours.There are quite a few visual tics, designed to make the movie more stylistic, panning shots, slow-mo, that are also used for effect rather than propel the plot forward. They stand out more for being inappropriate and for calling attention to themselves, rather than anything else, and that is something that is a syndrome of bad commercial cinema, and something that does not belong here.What stood out for me?The main lead's characterization, who's almost like a supporting character in his own story, given that he does nothing to propel the plot forward, or make a difference to his fate, where he's almost in a predicament of his own making, due to his own stupidity, and who's such a hypocrite that he calls it out when the same thing happens to someone else, but take succor when it 'befalls' him. Typical MCP, quite unapologetic about it too, and it's refreshing to have a real character like that leading the tale, rather than have a false hero with old town values. The fact that the makers embrace this aspect has to be appreciated.The runtime of 1 hour 47 minutes.Pistha, whenever it occurs, even in the end-title among racist subtitles for few characters.The dark humor interspersed throughout, especially in the sequences with the pickpocket gang, the cops, Naaser and Thambi Raamaiah (Saravanar, not Saravanan - apparently). Some of the explanatory flashbacks. Though the style is borrowed, it is relevant to the storyline, and thus, apt. What did not work?Using the heroine just as a prop. Nazim's talent (watch 'Ohm Shanthi Ohshaana') wasted completely.The simple/easy denouement. Complete tyre puncture of the plot, that seemed to be leading someplace.Waste of Charlie's acting talents.Very, very lightweight.All in all, perhaps worth one watch on the small screen.


One and a half hours long (short for a Malayalam/Tamil movie), concise, nicely wrapped, wonderful little package of a movie (not to make that sound too girly and 'cute'; it was buff! Hard hitting! Thriller.. etc.)I watched the Malayalam version of the movie and it was an emotional roller-coaster. By now, I much like every other Malayalam movie watcher, wasn't expecting much at all from a new release - bad to mediocre romance, clichéd dialogues, wanna be funnies and toughies, so to speak. 30 minutes into the movie, joy-of-joy, I wanted nothing but to pull out my hair and run out screaming. BUT!!! But, I didn't, and Thank God for that, coz the second half is One Hell of a joy ride that you had to be there for! And now for the punch line -> Coz ya don't watch Neram for killing time. You watch Neram for the bloody flipping state of mind!The movie is cut just right. Editing is perfect. Just the right amount of romance, perfect amount of thrills, great comedy by Shobi Thilakan. Brilliant main-villain-bad-guy act by Boby Simha. Dialogues are short, extremely non-boring, to the point and gets on with it. Characters have just enough depth without being preachy. Nazriya is so beautiful and Nivin P is wonderfulness as the come-back-with-a-vengeance-boy-(turned-man)-next-door-hero. And Pistah! obviously needs no praise.. the brilliance is implicit.Also, Camera - Great. Direction - Great. Casting - Nice! Credits - Noticed for the first time in 2 decades of movie watching, so Nice to that too. And Alphonse Putharen signature - Double nice. All other movie related terminologies - All good!90 minutes, well spent!


There! I said it. Everyone says Malayalam cinema is improving. I say it is declining. Let us consider NERAM. The dialogs in this film could have been written by a 10 year old. They are puerile. There is no substance whatsoever. Just a bunch of lame SMS and email jokes delivered by goofy actors like Nivin Pauly and John Vijay. Even mediocre 90s films like POST BOX NO 27 or CHEPPUKILUKKANA CHANGAATHI had better jokes than this film. It fails as a slapstick comedy as well as a thriller. The film is all about the presentation - stylish visuals, background score and fast cuts. The first scene with its monologue by the hero reminded me of the monologue in TRAINSPOTTING. The rest of the movie is not as eloquent as the first scene, so one is forced to conclude that it was nothing but a gimmick.The performances were awful ..... even experienced actors like Lalu Alex, Manoj K Jayan and Shammi Thilakan are unbelievably self conscious. Moreover, they play characters that have been done to death in Malayalam cinema - the middle class uncle, the thug with a heart of gold and the goofy police officer. And the lead actor Nivin Pauly was awful in many of the scenes. I guess all his films would have to feature fast cuts or slow motions and numerous gimmicks which would help hide the inadequacies of the lead actor (the same was the case with THATTATHIN MARAYATHU).

sambath kumaar

Though there is no spoiler in this review, if there are people (like me) who think a review could spoil the way they see the movie with their own opinions and perception, do not proceed further..:)One of the most brilliant movies I have seen in Tamil Cinema. Well made, well pictured, well performed and finally really well EDITED movie. Was able to see the transformation of Tamil cinema (Vazhakku En, Vishwaroopam, Pizza, NDPK, Soothu Kavvum etc). This classy movie joins this list and also stands apart.Was impressed in the first frame of the movie when they sport this "I copy from every movie ever made -Quentin Tarantino - I Agree to this - Alphonse Putharaen(Director)". Expectations rose when the director himself was the editor too. But unlike my recent disappointments, this movie continued to thrill, excite and humor me throughout its path. First of all the movie is completely a real life story with only a little bit of cinema in it. Ever other scene in the film can easily happen to anyone of us here and it is completely genuine. Be it the narration, performance by actors, the romance between the couple, an understanding and practical girlfriend and many more... Highlights: Brilliant camera, editing, acting, screenplay, BG music(awesome) and overall direction. Cons: If thought of deeply, certain scenes could be avoided.Every other character plays a very important role in the movie and finally floods in to the really suspense climax. No wonder the director Alphonse Putharaen is a fan of World Cinema!!This is just another movie without stupid duets and irritating fight scenes. Such movies becoming hit will keep at bay commercial movies that tarnishes the fame on Indian Cinema. Tamil cinema is not that far away from creating a masterpieces like Zindegi Na Milegi Dobara, Rang De Basanti etc... Happy that I watched it in theater.
