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Cerberus (2005)

October. 29,2005
| Fantasy Horror

The breastplate of Attila the Hun is stolen as it has clues to the location of the Sword of Mars. It is said the Sword of Mars made Attila invincible and is guarded by Cerberus.


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Undescribable Perfection


Strong and Moving!


Instant Favorite.


The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.

Neil Welch

Why do I watch these things? In the forlorn hope that they might turn out to be better than I know they are going to be.See, the acting and script may be OK (well, let's be honest, generic baddie is over the top and down the other side), but there are these two things to consider...One is the gore. There's quite a lot of it and it is utterly unconvincing. This is probably not a bad thing. However...The second is Cerberus himself. Cerberus is, I'm afraid, downright bad. Bad CGI of a bad design animated badly and integrated badly into background plates. It would have been more convincing if they had used a giant cardboard cutout (and I have a feeling that, in some scenes, they may have done just that).Because the film is actually named after its least successful - by which I mean completely unsuccessful - element, the verdict must be "failure."


I found the dialogue, particularly Emmanuelle Vaugier's, very hard to follow. The whole movie was pathetic. I forced myself to watch it all, believing that it would improve.All the actors in this movie are very experienced (based on their filmographies), so you'd expect they would be able to make something out of a very trite and superficial script.The special(?) effects were hardly believable - When people lost limbs, it reminded me of the Bridge scene between King Arthur and the Knight from Monty Python and The Holy Grail.Not even the eye candy made up for it.


I was very disappointed in this movie. I was expecting more in a movie based on one of Mythology's most feared creatures. Cerberus didn't even look real, the computer work was below average and the visual effects were awful. I was expecting so much more than what I saw, I mean, the camera work was horrible and the storyline wasn't all that great either. I was expecting to see the underworld and truly disturbing stuff. Instead we see Cerberus on Earth ripping a few people apart and they don't really show that much of him dismembering people, just a second or two. The only thing I must say that I liked about this movie is that there was a decapitation or two and blood squirting out of people, that was about all there was that was worth watching. I personally don't recommend that fans of Mythology watch this movie because you will most likely be disappointed like I was.

Michael O'Keefe

Sci-Fi channel presents CERBERUS: a three-headed dog that guards the gates of Hell. The CGI is not that obtrusive, actually blended better than a lot out there. Before the breastplate belonging to Attila the Hun can be shipped to NYC for exhibition it is stolen. It is suppose to give clues to where the fabled battle sword is located...one restriction is that even if the clue is found, the sword is guarded by a three-headed dog. Greg Evigan plays the bad ass greed monger that intends to be invincible by having possession of Attila's sword. Supporting cast includes: Emmanuelle Vaugier, Garret Sato, Brent Florence and KB Nau.
