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Esther (1999)

March. 29,1999
| Adventure Drama TV Movie
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Esther, the beautiful queen of Persia, intervenes to save the Jewish people from a bloody massacre.


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Such a frustrating disappointment


How sad is this?


Great Film overall


Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.


The two earlier movies, "Esther and the King" & "One Night with the King" are not more than ten % to twenty-five % honest & accurate! This one is by far, the best of all! Actress, Ginger Rogers portrayed Esther in one of those two earlier movies, I typed (up above & on to line of paragraph). I strongly want to own a DVD of Esther (1999)! PS: An additional fact to another IMDb member & commenter: Esther is not the only Biblical book that "God" is not listed/written in it! Very few know that Song of Solomon does not have "God" written/listed in it, either, (while so many know "God" is not written Esther, if not every body). In Sincerest Honesty. Additional facts of Mordecai, he is also in Ezra, as a new temple was to be built (after the Jews' 70 years of captivity, was ended by King Cyrus).


This movie's directing, editing, dialogue, scenography, acting and music are all 10/10. I really cannot find a fault and I find faults in most movies.I may not agree with the roles of women in the society or that the proposed solution to the massacre is a massacre, but then again, a movie doesn't have to be feminist or pacifist, but to describe a story, and this is a nice story, though not of our time.I suspect it may be looked down upon for its being a movie from the Bible and not being a big production. Probably no one expects excellency from it and its merits are not recognized. Its vote may depend more on what is expected such a production to be rated.

Dawn Blaste

Keeping in mind the fact that this film was made in 1999 when technology was much more limited than it is today, this film is very good. It stays faithful to the book of Esther, but brings in other characters of the Bible, such as Ezra and Nehemiah. I'm not sure how historically accurate the timing is, but it was an interesting addition that helped keep the story in perspective.I also enjoyed the brilliant acting on the part of the main characters. On this note, the king seemed a bit too childish for a king, but in a way it does seem possible for a pampered palace brat to remain so even when grown. Still, he gets really mature and romantic when it really counts, so all is forgiven. :) The setting was alright, but I'm looking forward to a more recent version with a larger budget that will show Persia in all its glory.

Tania B

This movie was a great rendition of the book of Esther. It showed God's love and plan for our lives and His people even though we don't see it.The book of Esther had two major themes in it for me, one was how a wife is to prepare for her husband, Esther prepared for the King 12 months, second Esther's obedience that ultimately led to the Jewish people being spared from slaughter. Please notice that the queen could only be summoned by the King, Esther and the Jewish people prayed and fasted for three days in order to soften the King's heart when Esther approached him unannounced.The movie also showed the sweet relationship between Esther and the King.I highly recommend this movie! Tania
