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Darklight (2004)

January. 01,2004
| Fantasy Action Science Fiction TV Movie

Captured by a secret society known as the Faith and mentally controlled with a powerful spell, ancient demoness Lilith now lives as a young woman with no memory of her agless past. However, the terrifying plague unleashed by a rampaging monster, the Demonicos, forces one human to recruit her mystical power known as the Darklight to fight this terrifying beast...


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Please don't spend money on this.


Best movie ever!


Absolutely the worst movie.

Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...


This obvious pilot for an unproduced TV series features young Canadian actress Shiri Appleby as an amnesiac with some pretty incredible powers that must be put to use when a man-turned-flying demon is let loose on the world. The CGI is par for a TV job, and Appleby is OK as an amnesiac but hard to swallow as a superheroine. Familiar TV face Richard Burgi is along for the ride as Appleby's mentor, but he can do nothing to elevate this dreck above the mediocre level. We see way too much of the cartoonish flying demon right from the start, a bad sign. Also, the scenes where Burgi is training Appleby for battle are actually laughable. They are a bad copy of similar scenes in several other movies, most notably REMO WILLIAMS.


Darklight is both underestimated and under appreciated. A mini series would have really been interesting. I found the film to be very captivating. I was surprised how much I enjoyed the film. If anyone knows more about how this film came into being, I would like to know more about it. So, I apologize if it seems I have an overly inquisitive comment section. Was this movie indeed a pilot for a series? How much real history of Lilith was incorporated into the movie? What was the timetable involved in its making? Did the movie originate with the Sci-Fi Network or NBC? How much was budgeted for the making of Darklight? Are there any plans to release Darklight on DVD or Video? Did Sherri Appleby give any interviews about what she thought of this project? Where would one go to get the answers to these questions?


Although I agree with the earlier posting about Darklight not having much direction, I think it was initially a pilot for a series that never got greenlighted. It was like the producers had several episodes that they had to piece together to salvage what was funded in startup. The effects were good for TV -- we can't expect CGI in everything. I thought the initial storyline of Adam's first wife, Lilith, seeking to be absolved from her initial sins was a good premise. I would like to see the movie developed into a mini-series, if not a series. It could be something like 'Angel' with a flawed key figure trying to pay for the sins of the past.


from the beginning when she's all covered in muck up till chopping the creature's head off, I was totally into this movie of an amnesiac demon who becomes the "one" like Keanu and has to save us all. The myth was cool. It's great to see a movie where the woman takes charge. I'm not familiar with the girl (never saw Rosswell), but she was earning my respect.Didn't love her blue/purple hag look at first, but it grew on me.Richard Burgi was good in this, too. He seemed genuinely to want to take Lilith out at points, which is understandable, because she killed his kid. It was cool how dark and grim it was, how Lilith and Shaw had to deal with their own crap in addition to stopping the plague.It could have just made them all swell with one another, but this took it to a deeper level. I dunno, Darklight was a solid watch, it appealed to me.
