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The Horde

The Horde (2010)

October. 26,2010
| Horror Action Thriller

A bunch of crooked cops raid a ruined building located in an impoverished suburb of Paris, determined to furiously avenge the death of one of them, murdered by the ruthless criminal gang hidden on top of the dark labyrinth that will become a deathly trap when the living, unexpectedly turned into the undead by a mysterious plague, begin to devour the world.


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I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much


Best movie of this year hands down!

Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.


A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


On the positive side, it is as others have described as a fast paced survival of uncommon allies against an unending wave of zombies. The zombies kick in fairly quickly, throwing opposing parties in together to make it through, which leads to an immense amount of blood, splatter, gunfire, a few knife fights, and general hectic mayhem. So the positive....blood, and lots of it.On the negative side, where to begin? We can piece together why the group of cops are going after the gang of bad guys, mostly. But when the zombies kick in, we have no explanations of why or how, it just is. As the actors put it, it is "Judgement Day", as the city in the distance is on fire and the building they are in is apparently blown up in sections such as the stairwell. During the escape they unite with an old war vet who explains he blew some parts of the building up to block the zombies...okay, partial credit for an answer, still doesn't explain the city afire or other partially destroyed buildings. It's not like the zombies are driving tanks and fighter jets. So, I'll step away from the zombie logic plot holes galore and turn to the characters. We have some (bad/dirty?) cops going after the criminals who killed one of the cops, simple enough vengeance motivation. Then as we move along we find the female cop is pregnant (necessary for French zombie films, I believe). As all parties race for survival, persons throw away allegiance to their original friends, sometimes support the other guys sometimes flare up to confront them (to remind us this is only about survival, not that old differences are forgotten). But ultimately, I couldn't find myself caring about any of them - not even the pregnant one. People throw their lives away for no reason, keep others alive that should be killed (remember, zombie bite are ALWAYS deadly), and in the end you wonder if anyone will survive....but you wonder more if you really care at all.I'll give them quality points for the gore, but that is ALL they got right in making this a watchable movie. If that's all you are after, go for it. If you want anything that makes sense, has a back story or characters you might care about, or if you like for things to wrap up in a way that makes any kind of sense....skip it.

andrew salisbury

a group of crooked cops decide to avenge the murder of one of their own by killing the gangsters responsible. when they go to the gang's hideout however, they are quickly overcome by the men they came to kill. before the cops can be killed, a zombie outbreak in the city reaches the building they are in, and both groups are forced to work together to survive and escape.The Horde is a french movie with subtitles, which i thought would put me off at first, but i,m glad i stuck with it as i really enjoyed it. the zombies are fast moving and vicious, and the action is fast and furious with the movie moving at a quick pace. gorehounds will be happy too because their is blood, and plenty of it.it's a shame that the zombie outbreak is never really explained, but that's a minor quibble considering the rest of the movie should satisfy any zombie fan


If you've seen the British zombie film '28 Weeks Later' you'll probably know what I mean by the title. Basically, 'The Horde' is Frances answer to Britain's 28 Days Later franchise. It's almost as if it's set in the same world (and possibly the same world where Germany's 'Siege of the Dead' and America's 2004 remake of 'Dawn of the Dead' is set).If you've seen any of the above films, you'll probably know what to expect - running zombies (no 'Romero shufflers' here!) and shaky camera-work, depicting a dark, violent and gritty take on zombie lore. Here we meet a quartet of Parisian police officers who are taking the law into their own hands by storming a run-down tower block in order to execute some drug dealers who murdered a colleague of theirs. Sadly, all does not go according to plan, as the night they pick to exact their retribution, the undead start their rise from the grave. We never find out the cause of the outbreak, only witness the effects, as the cops and 'robbers' have to band together to survive.It's a pretty claustrophobic atmosphere we have here. 99% of the entire film is set within the dilapidated tower block. It's violent, it's nasty and it's effectively 28 Weeks Later - the Aftermath.If you haven't had your fill of zombie movies (and can put up with the French subtitles - also, I've watched it dubbed and that's not so bad either) then give this one a go - it's pretty good.http://thewrongtreemoviereviews.blogspot.co.uk/


Am I the only person who thinks this is over rated garbage?The story is pretty abysmal with no explanations as to why, at the click of some zombie God's fingers, hundreds of flesh craving undead suddenly appear in what looked to be a derelict area. Nothing much happens apart from angry people pointing guns and shouting at each other until the utterly ridiculous car scene which I think was supposed to be cool but it simply wasn't. I mean are you seriously telling me one of those hundreds of zombies one wouldn't have had him sooner?? He's on top of a car not a flippin double decker bus! And where are they all when they manage to escape?? Not a single walker in sight??It also disappointed me that these were more like infected people than zombies so there aren't any rotten corpses to get excited about. No one being eaten alive or ripped apart which is boring.The female character is just a bitch, an ugly one as well, although to be fair, she can kick ass.I just thought this was really dull and I was willing it to end. I'm really surprised it's received such glowing reviews but then each to their own I guess.
