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Anatomy 2

Anatomy 2 (2003)

August. 13,2004
| Horror Thriller

The doctor and soccer player in the leisure time Jo Hauser decides to move to Berlin and be an intern in a famous clinic, expecting to increase his knowledge and expertize, and help his handicap brother Willi Hauser. He joins a secret fraternity of doctors, under the leadership of Prof. Muller-LaRousse, who is researching the use of bionic muscles in human beings without any ethics or respect to the laws. The team is also volunteer to the experiences, and is under investigation of Paula Henning. When Jo gets close to a Filipino nurse, and becomes addicted in the drugs used in experience, he realizes the truth hidden in the methods used by the secret society in the development of science.


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Great Film overall


As Good As It Gets

Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.


This movie fails pretty much. It starts with playing around with medical terms and such but then it quickly turns into a scientific version of X-Men. It copies some elements from the first movie but its still hard to connect it to the first movie if not for the anti-Hippocrates. The anti-Hippocrates in this movie annoy me the most, they are supposed to be just normal scientists who want to experiment beyond ethical boundaries, thus achieving good for the humanity. In this movie they are nothing like that, they are evil bastards who want to do evil things! Still the major plot hole is that nearly all the disciples of this Charles guy are against killing someone for the good of science, but I thought that was the whole point of anti-Hippocrates?


For some reason (what? I don't know) I had been putting off seeing this film for a while, even though I am a big fan of the first one. Well, after watching it I don't feel so bad about waiting so long. This film is probably about 60% more boring and uninteresting than the first; Not to mention Franka Potente's screen time is only about 10 minutes total. The film is only around an hour and a half long but it felt like we were sitting there for 2 and a half hours. It was extremely slow paced and uneventful...the only things good about it were the idea of the storyline, the one decent tension building scene and the brother of the main actor. Other than that I can't really give anyone that is a fan of the first a big reason to rush out and buy/rent this thing. 5/10


Surprisingly sharp sequel to the original Anatomy finds a young med student getting involved with a drugged up woman who gets him involved with the AAA. The AAA has expanded their field of medical research from the first film. This time around they are using their youngest members to test out synthetic muscles, but of course their experiements get out of control which results in plenty of murder and mayhem.Right on the same level, if not slightly better then the original. The script expands itself and tries to head in a different direction instead of being a copy of the original. And the film crew give the film a visually appealing look. It's one fast paced, sexy, smart, and thrilling ride.Rated R; Violence, Profanity, Drug Use, Sexuality.

Dr. Gore

*SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*The AAA club is back. This time a young doctor wants to roll with the cool crowd so he jumps on the AAA bandwagon. They are the Anti-Hippocratics. You've got to take risks to save lives, dang it! So this cool medical clique performs experiments on themselves to further their research. Everybody gets a synthetic muscle and other goodies. Ethics, murder and the state of modern medicine is debated as our hero comes to grips with the harsh reality that he is being used.Speaking of being used, I thought this flick was supposed to be a horror movie. I saw the first "Anatomy" and mildly enjoyed it. "Anatomy" was a competent rip-off of "Scream" and other recent teen horror flicks. "Anatomy 2" doesn't even want to rip-off "Anatomy". Isn't that what sequels are supposed to do? Give us more of the same? "Anatomy 2" is trying to be some sort of medical thriller but I wasn't thrilled. No scares here. There are just doctors grappling with ethics as the hard rock music blasts away. Yeahhhhh....Snore....They could make a hundred more "Anatomy" movies. Just make it a series of medical ethic thrillers. But just count me out. I'm checking out of this B-movie hospital.
