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Jason X

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Jason X (2002)

April. 26,2002
| Horror Science Fiction
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In the year 2455, Old Earth is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries -- a brown world of violent storms, toxic landmasses and poisonous seas. Yet humans have returned to the deadly place that they once fled, not to live, but to research the ancient, rusting artifacts of the long-gone civilizations. But it's not the harmful environment that could prove fatal to the intrepid, young explorers who have just landed on Old Earth. For them, it's Friday the 13th, and Jason lives!


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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.

Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.


Jason Voorhees returns with a new look, a new machete, and his same murderous attitude as he is awakened on a spaceship in the 25th century. Jason X is the Halloween: Resurrection of the Friday the 13th Series and the 10th i repeat the freaking 10th film in the series and once again the Saga makes no sense especially if you remember what happened at 'Jason goes to Hell'? The acting was really awful, the dialogue even worse and Jason punching 2 chicks against a tree was so over the top and lame and makes sense that the series reboot next. (0/10)


The Fans of this Franchise can Yap all They Want.The "Friday the 13th/Jason" Movies were Generic, Witless, Body Count Movies with Nothing More than a Formula of a Soulless Killing Machine that was a Proxy/Surrogate for the Sadistic Tendencies of Male Teens who were Immature and would Cheer each other On during Theater/Video Screenings. These were Member Measuring Contests, and the Movies were sure to Gross Out the Girls with the Slaughter that Jason Provided for Their Pleasure. What Fun!All that has been Said Before with Little Effect. Siskel and Ebert Occasionally did whole Shows Saying Essentially the Same Thing.Jason's Fans are Many and Vocal. The "Slasher" Sub-Genre of Horror is and has been a Money Maker for Years. In Fact it's an Age Old Business Model...Paraphrasing..."Never underestimate the tastelessness of the consumer." The Original, by the way, wasn't even Original. It was Stolen Directly from Mario Bava's Film "Bay of Blood" (1971). The Hackers of this Franchise Never Broke any New Ground through 9 Count em' Movies.Finally in the 10th Entry it is at Least Trying Something Different, if Not Completely Different. "Jumping the Shark" does Not Apply because the Franchise did that a Long Time Ago.This Movie can be Worth a Watch for something of a Hoot. The Sets are Colorful, the SFX are B-Movie Cheesy and Fun, the Cast (although they speak in 2002 Slang and wear fashions 455 years in the future that look like the kids in the audience) is Perky and Play for Laughs and Fight the Good Fight against Old Jason.And the New Jason with a Spiffy Makeover of Shiny New Duds and a "Killer" Mask. The Recommendation here is if You've gotta See One "Friday the 13th"/"Jason" Movie, this is it. Maybe the First One if You Need a Starting Point.Watching #1 and then Skipping to #10, You Won't Miss Much. If these Things are Your Thing You'll Find Out by the 1 and 10 Recommendation.


Look, I'm gonna be up-front about this....I don't know why "Jason X" gets a free-pass from so many people. And I especially don't understand how so many people actually really enjoy it or find it "entertaining." I really just don't get the appeal of it at all, nor can I really figure out what it hopes to accomplish.It's a film that aspires to be so much more than it is, but it never lives up to even a hint of what it promises. It's a contradictory film from scene to scene. On one hand, it fancies itself a subversive satire along the lines of "Jason Lives", yet it only delivers the occasional jest at its own expense. On the other hand, if often plays the material straight for attempts at honest thrills, yet these are contradictory to its lighter moments. It occasionally gets the idea that it's an effects spectacle on the rare occasion for more complex sequences, but it's hindered by a low budget. Yet it also frequently seems aware of its cheap cost in other scenes.It's like watching someone trying desperately to put together two different jigsaw puzzles after the pieces have become inadvertently mixed together. Nothing fits.We all know the plot... It's "Friday the 13th" in space. Jason gets cryogenically frozen (along with sexy scientist Rowan, portrayed by Lexa Doig) in modern times, only to be awakened on a spaceship 400 years later, so he can hack up stupid, nubile teens... in the future!Blah, blah, blah. He kills a few, gets blown apart by a sexy android chick (Lisa Ryder), gets brought back with magical future medical-technology as a half-robotic "Uber Jason", and chaos ensues. (That was all in the trailer, so there's no spoilers there.) It's a rinse and repeat of almost every previous film, except now Jason gets a hokey new metallic costume and there's a lot of bad CGI and green-screen effects because, you know... the future! And space!To be fair and give credit where it is due, there's a few positive aspects here. Lisa Ryder steals the show as robotic "KM-14" in a delightful little role. There's also some fun to be had with a few high-concept gags like a laugh-out-loud holographic simulation of Crystal Lake in the 80's. And I'd be lying if I said there weren't a few creative kills. (Cryo-freezing someone's face and then smashing it? Yes, please!) There's also a cameo from filmmaking god David Cronenberg, who chews the scenery in a fun-albeit-brief role! (How did they even get him for this movie?! Is he a big Jason fan?)But the film never comes together as I said. I can't help but feel screenwriter Todd Farmer was aiming at something a lot bigger and more bombastic, but kept having to be dialed back by studio-suits and producers over budgetary concerns. A lot of the scenes and plot lines come across as last-minute back-ups that were thrown in in case the studio couldn't afford the intended sequences.The tragedy is that it had a golden opportunity to do so much more. The "Killer in Space" trope is such a widely-known cliché, that putting more effort into subverting and parodying the concept would have given the film a fresher, more unique flavor. It needed to drop its more serious moments and take full advantage of delivering self-aware laughs based around its setting and location. The few times it tries, it works. But it doesn't take enough advantage of this... it's not commenting on the silly "killer in space" trope. It's just another example of it being done poorly, while giving us an occasional fleeting wink and nod.Even beyond the failed potential, there's just a whole lot of nothing going on. The effects budget eats up too much money, so everything else- sets, costume design, etc. look cheap and fake. Director James Isaac seems in over his head, and only delivers a minimum effort in his visuals. Series composer Harry Manfredini- usually a reliable musician in his own right- barely seems to try with a really bad and often artificial-sounding synth soundtrack. And supporting roles are among the series worst, with grating characters being portrayed by dime-a-dozen "pretty face" actors who would be more at home on Hollister billboards than on-screen. (Shelly from Part III and Megan from Part VI still remain the high point of supporting roles even to this day.)So sadly, "Jason X" emerges as one of the weakest films in the series in my opinion. It may think it's something grander than it is, but we as an audience can see that this just isn't the case.It's a 2 out of 10 just for it's few fun moments. But they aren't worth having to slog through 90 minutes to get to.


The bad sequels keep on rolling. Friday the 13th needed to stop beating a dead horse at seven and let it rest in peace. Yet some genius at New Line thought it would be a great idea to send him into the future of all places on a space station. Who would watch the first couple in the series and think it would ever come to this or would want it to? Jason has been captured by the government to be frozen since he wont die nor will this series and before this can happen the military wants custody to study his regeneration ability. If this is the case then how did he stay dead or look so rotted and needed to possess bodies? They just weren't trying anymore.Jason gets lose, everyone dies, except one woman who is able to trap him and they both are frozen in cryogenics until visited by students on a field trip to see what earth is like. I kid you not. They took the thin plot of episode 8, set it in the future and had them take a cruise with Jason in space. Recycled plot disguised as a new refreshing idea. Who are they kidding? I thought some of the future technology was fascinating and cool. Star trek fans will enjoy it. But it becomes a cartoon by robot girl who transforms into a dominatrix terminator who tries to save her creator from Jason. Danger Will Robertson anyone? Uber Jason seemed like a cool idea on paper, but he doesn't seem different or stronger then his normal attire and thus a wasted opportunity. He does survive the heat from earth's two's atmosphere and lands in his new home in the lake. I know these aren't suppose to be works of art or high class entertainment. But this doesn't excuse the poor story telling. 0 out of ten.
