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Suffragette (2015)

October. 23,2015
| Drama History

Based on true events about the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement, women who were forced underground to pursue a dangerous game of cat and mouse with an increasingly brutal State.


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Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.


It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.

Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.


I'm sure that the Suffragette could be good, but something went wrong. I found the whole movie extremely boring, however its topic is not only interesting but also very important in the whole world. Abi Morgan has already shown, that she's able to write very great films, like The Iron Lady. But now she couldn't make the story exciting. From the first time I was sure how the film will be ended, I didn't have questions, the only feeling I felt was disappointment. The cast was not bad, but the best part of it was Helena Bonham Carter. She is one of the most talented actresses, but she had a too little role, he couldn't show how talented she is, which is very sad. (She could save the movie) Meryl Streep was also presented on all of the posters of the Suffragette, but she had 2 minutes in the film. I think, Anne-Marie Duff wasn't powerful enough and Carry Mulligan was not properly instructed by the director. (she is a good actor, but without good instructions was she unable to play well) The Suffragette is not bad, but it could be better, if the director would work more on the situations and the script.


This entire movie was a hit piece! Pure feminist revisionist history! And I see so many reviews saying "Historical", "Truth that needed telling", "Educational", etc... Are you kidding me? This was PURE FICTION! These women were evil harpies!First of all, it's heavily implied that men had the vote at the time and women were denied it; WRONG. Most men weren't allowed to vote at that time, either; especially someone like the lower-class husband. Every male in this movie is portrayed as a violent, misogynistic thug, seeking only to oppress women. The reason women's suffrage failed in England at first, is because these shrill hags were demanding all women get to vote, while most men didn't have the vote and were currently being blown to pieces in World War I. It was a political catastrophe to be screaming for special rights that men who were dying by the thousands didn't have.THEN, to put icing on the cake, these same sanctimonious cows participated in the "White Feather Campaign", where they assumed any man in England not wearing a military uniform was a coward and openly and publicly shamed him to join the army; not giving a whit what his actual situation was. Many active-duty men on leave, discharged wounded soldiers, domestic public servants, sole family providers, etc. were publicly humiliated by these tramps.At first, property ownership was required to vote, and most men didn't even own property. Then, military service was tied to the vote and women were exempt from serving. Even still, almost immediately after men were granted the vote - as a consolation prize for being slaughtered wholesale in WWI - women were granted the vote... because vagina. All of the vacuous, ignorant, arrogant comments from the leftist, Marxist, feminist idiots demonstrate their complete indoctrination into the cult of political correctness, where facts don't matter and propaganda spin is doubleplus goodthink rectification.


In this day and age many of us take a lot for granted. Often forgotten are those in history who fought so hard and valiantly in order for future generations to have better rights, and better lives because of those rights. The sacrifices of these women is to be applauded. I am in awe, as I am of any oppressed peoples who have fought to earn the right to be treated as part of the human race and not be controlled as 'sub-humans'. As Carey Mulligan's character Maud Watts (rightly) says, "I'm worth no more, no less, than you".This film brought forth so many emotions, and the horrendous treatment these brave women received was hard to watch. Yet through it all their spirits were strong and they never gave up. A stellar cast with stellar acting performances. The historical detail and cinematography was excellent. Very authentic. A film that touches your heart.


The story of the Suffragette Movement and the right for the female vote is a fascinating and quite important part of history that is very much overlooked in film and still holds much relevance today.A large part as to why is the potential problems with how a film would portray it. Despite being really interesting, it is difficult to get the portrayal the Suffragette Movement and the right for the female vote spot on. There is always the danger of heavy-handedness, being too careful, being one-dimensional and being too cold or sentimentalised.'Suffragette' to me was a compelling film that did more right than it did wrong, but at the same time it does not escape a few of the traps that portraying this subject poses. It is a brave and worthy attempt though, and even though the finished product is flawed 'Suffragette' gets a lot of applause and respect from me for trying.It doesn't escape the trap of being heavy-handed, with some of the build ups overdone, occasional preachiness in the writing and parts in the music score intrusively orchestrated. While the brutality most likely did happen and it brings a darkness that stops the film from being too much of one tone, parts did jar like with the laundry boss, which agreed did feel like they belonged in another film.Nor does it escape portraying its characters in a stock and one-dimensional way. Did feel a lot for the women, and found myself inspired by their cause and rooting for them even if they did go the wrong way about it in parts of the film and in history. However, especially the boss and with the sole exception of Steed, the male characters are stock and unsympathetically drawn, found myself really infuriated by Sonny's actions as well and found him generally a placid personality. There are a few real life characters intersected here, which was interesting but appeared too briefly, while they made an impression David Lloyd George and Emmeline Pankhurst were reduced to cameo roles.However, it is very handsomely and evocatively mounted in period detail, being suitably naturalistic and sombre. The cinematography, with the hand-held technique, has been criticised for being excessive and lacking focus, it didn't bother me that much and thought it gave a real and appropriate sense of frenzy, claustrophobia and fear. Apart from the odd intrusive part, the music is rousing yet understated. Much of the direction gives clarity to the story and a sense of pace and the film always looks great.Much of the writing is fine too, some heavy-handedness here as well as parts that are a bit emotionally cold and too careful but the main and familiar events are handled powerfully, sincerely and thoughtfully. The storytelling, a vast majority of the time, is spirit-rousing, heart-stopping, moving and inspiring, the ending was really quite powerful.Carey Mulligan is particularly magnificent of the uniformly impressive cast, and Brendan Gleeson and Anne-Marie Duff are not far behind. Meryl Streep's appearance is brief but very memorable, while Helena Bonham Carter brings a wonderful feistiness to the ringleader of the group. Ben Whishaw, on the other hand, is a little dull as Sonny, though the way the character is written deserves a large part of the blame here, and the laundry boss character is too much of a stock pantomime villain-like character.Overall, brave, worthy and largely successful if flawed telling of a fascinating, important and relevant piece of history, that has been overlooked. 7/10 Bethany Cox
