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Oliver & Company

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Oliver & Company (1988)

November. 18,1988
| Animation Comedy Family
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This animated take on Oliver Twist re-imagines Oliver as an adorable orphaned kitten who struggles to survive in New York City and falls in with a band of canine criminals led by an evil human. First, Oliver meets Dodger, a carefree mutt with street savoir faire. But when Oliver meets wealthy Jenny on one of the gang's thieving missions, his life changes forever.


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hyped garbage


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.


I don't know when I first saw this movie as kid but it made an impression. Now watching it as an adult I still like it. The songs are amazing and the story while a little short on plot is still very enjoyable.You see the love that the dogs have for each other and for their person. Dodger is a protective and loyal friend that cares for everyone. One of my favorite moments is when Dodger is settling-in for the night and Oliver comes over and curls up next to him. You get in that moment the whole center of this movie.The gang to varying degrees understand why Oliver wants to go with Jenny and not stay on the street. They all have needs and wants that are sometimes at odds with each other. Rita seems to be the most understanding. I think she wishes that she had that chance that is being given to Oliver.When Dodger looses his bandanna in the last fight you see him age and realize that this is all he will know and that he is happy. Yet somehow you feel sad for Dodger and his gang knowing that they are going back to the streets. Even though they have love they are living on the edge.Basically give this movie a chance and decide for your self.


To be a teen again back in the 1980's.VHS, Breakdance and on.Also this movie a modern New York City version of Oliver Twist.It's literary a twist with talking dogs.Some of the dogs are Dodger with the perfect voice of Billy Joel.The dogs owner are Fagin, and this time the villain drives a big black car.To mention the few merchandises way back then there was posters and read a long books.The movie got a well deserved Golden Globe nomination.An applause to the all star cast, the detailed background animation and the music by J.A.C. Redford.Don't except Pirates of Caribbean this is just some light entertainment with some nice action sequences at times.8/10


This is a dogs and cat's retelling of a classic Charles Dicken's. It's a fun children s' movie that I thought was really heartwarming and fun when I watched it as a kid. Although I didn't get the entirety of the plot. The music isn't anything classic that will last and will be repeated over and over again by Disney fans. But it does get the job done and does fit the environment and story. The plot is about a stray orphaned Kitten that is looking for a home to belong in and fits in with other stray dogs and learns about the streets of New York and how to survive from them. I think they could have done a better job of developing in this area, which could have lead to more of the bonding elements. The animation reminded me of a more fluid animated Saturday morning cartoon show. Overall this is a good children's movie that will somewhat stand out in memories.7.4/10


Franticly searching round for movies in my possession from 1988 that I could watch for a poll that was being held on IMDb's Classic Film board for the best films of 1988,I was thrilled to stumble upon a Disney title that I have been interested in watching since my childhood,which led to me excitingly getting ready to see Disney's very distinctive sounding take on Charles Dickens classic tale.The plot:Finding himself to be the only kitten left in a "for sale box" that has been left unattended,Oliver decides to break out of the box,and begin a search round the streets of New York for any crumbs of food.Feeling hopeful that his starvation is about to end when he notices a human chef cooking a pile of juicy hot dogs,Oliver's hopes are quickly dashed,when the chef kicks Oliver to the side of the road.Accepting defeat from the chef,Oliver turns his back from the hot dog's,puts his tail between his legs,and begins his long search for food again.Stooped in his tracks,Oliver is met by the unexpected sight of a dog called Dodger,who due to seeing how desperate Oliver is for food,kindly offers to team up,and use his street smarts to help Oliver steal some hot dogs from the chef.Cheeful about getting an offer of help for the first time in his life,Oliver quickly agrees to Dodger's plans.Outwitting the chef from all angles,Oliver and Dodger grab as many hot dogs as they can hold,and quickly set off to a near by dark alleyway,where they will both be able to enjoy their winnings in hiding.Feeling wonderful about finally having some food to eat,and also being part of a team,Oliver is caught completely by surprise,when Dodger tells him that he is keeping the hot dogs all for himself,and that the only reason he worked with Oliver,was to give "the kid" a street education.Determinded to get a piece of the hot dogs,Oliver decides to carefully follow Dodger,who Oliver soon discovers is actually a member of a back ally street gang.View on the film:Made at a key time in the studio's history,where Disney was just starting to leave its fiscal "dark age" behind,the 23 writer-written screenplay (not including Dickens name!) struggles on making the relationship between Oliver,Dodger's gang and the human's not feel like it has been created on a assembly line,with the trim 70 minute running time not allowing the writer's to give each of the character's their moment to shine,which would have allowed this extremely distinctive adaptation to really sparkle.Whilst the screenplay of the movie sadly fails to become that energetic,director George Scribner, (who was originally meant to co- direct the film with Peter Young,who sadly died age 37 just before filming was to begin) gives the film a stylish appearance,with the smooth character animation being contrasted by an eye catching,oil painted "rotten apple" New York City backdrop,and some early use of well handled CGI effects.Along with Scribner's directing,the voice cast also make sure to give the movie a loud yelp,with the brilliant Billy Joel being an absolute howl as the streetwise dodger,and Joseph Lawrence also giving the movie some much needed heart,as the cute,but never sickly sweet,fur ball Oliver,which leads to Dodger's gang being one that is deeply flawed,but still a great deal of fun to be a part of.
