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Iron Man 3 (2013)

May. 03,2013
| Adventure Action Science Fiction
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When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.


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One of the worst movies I've ever seen


The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

Alistair Olson

After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.


A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


This is a great movie. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also great special effects. Very fast past. The Avengers age of Ultron is better. But still this is a very good movie.


The action scenes were very cool, but the story didn't make much sense and there were way too many characters and stories crammed together. It was better than the second, but not as good as the first.


The craze for Robert is alone enough to lure the public into watching this movie. Moreover the dismantling and assembling of the suit is another interesting feature. The graphics were good and so was the twist in the end when Gwyneth gains the powers and saves Ironman. Interesting.


Iron Man 3 (Three), follows Tony Stark after the events of The Avengers and the effects that have come from it and the people around him too. With him having borderline PTSD and a new villain that has an odd connection to Tony in more ways than he would ever want.Iron Man 3 is the first film in the trilogy to not be directed by Jon Favreau but still include him as the memorable and lovable Happy. But instead of Favreau, Legendary writer and director Shane Black takes over with being silent for nearly a decade of not working on any films to break out again with the biggest solo film yet. Black directed the hell out of this third installment and yes there is a tone change from two to three but the barebones of the series are still their with a new and original story and a whole hell of a lot of amazing action sequences. And with Black building a lot of the sets and doing a lot of the stunts in real life instead of digitally adding it in makes this film feel real. Writing wise, the film is overall extremely good, one major piece of the film I didn't like too much but the overall film is very enjoyable and fantastically written as well. Robert Downey Jr. hasn't felt more comical or broken, depending on what way you look at him, with the fantastic writing of his character. Each character in the film has a sense of comedy in a lot better ways than they did back in Iron Man 2 and it makes the film feel a lot more light hearted and more fun as well. And with the physical comedy like Mark-42 and his imperfect quirks in the film with him being a prototype suit makes the film feel real showing a fractured Tony that isn't at 100% and is almost caught off guard in every scene. My biggest issue is during the third act the 'villain' comes off very awkwardly and somewhat upsets me with his write off and destruction of the iconic comic book antagonist. The acting is amazing though with Guy Pearce and Sir Ben Kingsley joining the cast and making some memorable performances throughout out. Obviously Downey Jr., kills it with such a different look at his iconic Tony Stark with him being broken and knocked down from The Avengers and his personal ties in this film. Cheadle also is great with his best performance in the series yet in this film with his dialogue feeling more smoothed out than in Iron Man 2. And of course my favorite performance done by Pearce is haunting and definitely makes a huge impact on the series and shows that the MCU can make a good villain in a stand alone film. With one flaw that is pretty big, this film is great in a lot of other ways and makes the perfect end to a great trilogy. Iron Man 3 gets an 8.75/10
