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Harvard Man

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Harvard Man (2001)

August. 01,2001
| Drama
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College has always been a time for experimentation, sexual, cultural and otherwise. "Harvard Man" plays out against a background of love, sex, basketball, crime and experimentation. Action and philosophy in young people's quest to discover their true identity.


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Overrated and overhyped


everything you have heard about this movie is true.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.


There is nothing at all to like about this movie. Joey Lauren Adams shows that it is not just her voice that is like nails on a chalkboard. While Adrian Grenier shows off the horrible acting that became so famous on Entourage. All the while the director was confusing annoying with interesting. I can't imagine too many people sat through the acid trip without getting fed up and walking out. It was annoying for the sake of being annoying. All with no payoff to redeem it. I just can't imagine what anyone was thinking making a movie with such a prolonged act that was literally painful to listen to. Which would have been bad enough if the ENTIRE movie wasn't also painful to listen to. IT was as if the audio was recorded in a toy microphone with harsh audio levels. I would literally prefer to sit through 2 hours of nails on a chalkboard that this movie.


This is a highly entertaining and accurate look at the world Dr H discovered. His "problem child" is indeed a means by which to expand your consciousness. It is highly disappointing to see a writer and production team cop out on a plot line and re-"direct" (uhum) to follow the assumptions and perceptions of the ignorant masses. The negative end-image of this plot line delivers a message of hazard and caution in this world of psychedelics. The case in point is that judgement should be reserved for those who have tread the path...and those who have tread the path do so willingly, consciously, happily and with a greater understanding of themselves and the relativity of things. Is it possible for us all to be so fortunate as to discover our very own truth through a simple mind-body experiment. The experience is not reality...granted. The revelations brought on by engagement with a world within this world is what provides us with the perspective to finally see. i.e. How can you walk a mile in someone else's shoes without unavoidably still wearing your own socks (perceptions). The answer implied is: strip away your own sense of reality, your own consciousness and you will have successfully placed yourself out of your box. QED - time to expand your minds


I have owned this movie for quite some time, mainly because SMG is in it and I'm a big fan of BTVS, but I had never gotten around to watching it until last night. I have to say, I was pretty disappointed. I mean, I'm supposed to feel sorry for this guy? He's shamelessly sleeping with two women at the same time, and getting tripped out on LSD. What do I care if he gets out of his mess? He's not a good guy, in spite of the fact that the movie half-heartedly attempts to make him seem so, since he is trying to get money together for his parents to replace their home, which got blown away by a tornado. Here's a quick summary: This guy is going to Harvard, and plays basketball for them. He is sleeping with SMG's character, whose father is a big time mobster. He is also sleeping with Joey Lauren Adams' character, who happens to be one of his teachers. His parent's home gets blown away by a tornado. He wants to help them replace it, so he asks SMG to ask her father for the money. She says he can have the money if he promises to fix a basketball game that has been bet on, so even more money can be won. The FBI gets wind of this, and try to cause a lot of trouble for SMG and her father. They attempt to get this guy to turn them in. The FBI team (a boy and a girl who his other girlfriend happens to be having regular threesomes with) let his other girlfriend know what's going on, and she tries to get him out of it. While all this chaos is going on, this guy is totally tripped out on LSD, hearing voices, hallucinating, etc. Pretty ridiculous. So, basically, my main problem with this movie was that I didn't like any of these characters. None of them seemed like good people, like anyone that I would care much one way or the other what happened to them. No sympathy for anyone. So, I was actually sitting through the whole movie, hoping it would be over soon because I was tired of watching it. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The only good point: I thought Sarah Michelle Gellar did a good job with her part. She was very believable. I didn't think of her as Buffy once during this movie.


I hate this movie. Its boring all the way. I wasted 1 hour and 30 min. of my life, watching that movie. I am a big fan of Sarah Michelle Gellar, but in this movie she sucks. Its about a boy taking drugs, gets weird, and in the end you see his eyes... WHAT A WASTE OF TIME. In my whole life, i've never seen anything so boring. I got very dissapointed. I've seen it once, and i'll never see it again. Sarah Michelle Gellar is absolutely great in: "Buffy The Vampire Slayer (TV)" "Cruel Intentions" "Simply Irrestible" "Scooby Doo 1+2" and "I know what you did last summer" 0/10 stars to Harvard Man, I want my money back!!!!
