Trails to Oishii Tokyo Season 6

January. 24,2024
| Documentary

Delicious food from Tokyo's markets! Learn about the amazing ingredients which are sourced from across Japan and sold at Tokyo's fresh food markets.


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Trails to Oishii Tokyo Season 6 Full Episode Guide

Episode 11 - MELON
First Aired: June. 26,2024

First Aired: June. 12,2024

Spring oysters, packed with umami before spawning, have been attracting attention in recent years. We visit Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan's largest oyster-producing region, to learn more.

Episode 9 - NISHIN
First Aired: May. 22,2024

Schools of nishin, or Pacific herring, enter Japan's cooler northern waters in spring. Once a lucrative part of local economies, the fish remains a staple ingredient in various Japanese dishes.

Episode 8 - ISE-EBI
First Aired: May. 08,2024

Ise-ebi is the king of Japan's crustaceans. With its elegant flavor and warrior-like appearance, the high-end food is a must on festive occasions. Feast your eyes on delectable local cuisine.

Episode 7 - WAKASAGI
First Aired: April. 24,2024

Wakasagi—small, 10-cm fish—are the star of Japan's winter fishing season. Drill holes in an icy lake for some line fishing, and meet fishers who are passionate about conservation efforts.

Episode 6 - FUKINOTO
First Aired: April. 10,2024

Fukinoto signals the coming of spring. Shaped like a lovely bouquet, the mountain veggie offers a stimulating bitterness that people wait all year to enjoy.

Episode 5 - MENTAIKO
First Aired: March. 20,2024

Mentaiko is cured and spiced pollock roe, with a deep flavor provided by kombu and katsuobushi broth. Discover the secrets of a beloved food that spread from Fukuoka to the rest of Japan.

Episode 4 - KOYA-TOFU
First Aired: March. 13,2024

Koya-tofu: a freeze-dried food made from tofu. It absorbs flavors like a sponge, making it ideal for a huge variety of dishes. We dive deep into this protein-packed superfood.

Episode 3 - CARROT
First Aired: February. 21,2024

Japan has a number of carrot varieties resulting from selective breeding. Discover carrots grown beneath the snow and savor an array of dishes from French to Japanese.

Episode 2 - PANKO
First Aired: February. 07,2024

Known to the world as panko, Japanese breadcrumbs are made by breaking apart fresh loaves of bread. Experience Japan's crunchy, juicy and truly unique fried food culture.

Episode 1 - KIWI
First Aired: January. 24,2024

The key to tasty kiwi is a ripening process that takes place after harvest. Discover new varieties being developed in Kagawa Prefecture and feast your eyes on innovative dishes.


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