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That Girl in Yellow Boots

That Girl in Yellow Boots (2010)

September. 13,2010
| Drama Thriller Crime Mystery

An Anglo-Indian woman works in a seedy Mumbai massage parlor while trying to find her long-lost father.


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People are voting emotionally.


everything you have heard about this movie is true.

Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


It really is a tough movie to watch. And not just because it switches languages, but because of the theme of the movie. You have a daughter searching for the father. So be prepared for a story that does drag and is not really filled with much excitement. No pun intended, especially considering on how she makes money and tries to get information out of people (again no pun intended with this either of course).So while on a mission we can see certain things in society, how she is being treated, how she behaves, what she has to do and to what lengths she is willing to go for the truth. You can say that there is feminism in there, but the important thing is, an individual trying to get to the bottom of things ...


That Girl in Yellow Boots, is a film which unapologetically isn't well- known to the world. But as usual, these aspects are sadly common for Anurag Kashyap's brilliant films. This movie is a must watch for everyone, especially thriller lovers. Kashyap takes his own pace in the revelation of the plot step by step. His mannerism of portraying the main character is flawless and fearless. This film is a unique take on daily issues of life, where some parts reach the extreme level. A story of a girl searching for her father, whom she believes to have loved her, yet abandoned by her family takes it's own pace in cracking shocking mysteries and truths. This film is another bold attempt by Anurag Kashyap in his directorial ventures. For real thriller lovers and movie buffs, this is a must watch. Overall rating: 7.9/10 (77%)


Ruth(Kalki Koechlin) arrives in India at the registar's office seeking a visa while looking for her father who has left England abruptly years earlier. Ruth later works as a masseuse in a seedy massage parlor in the heart of Mumbai. This is not Cinderella finding a golden slipper or a charming prince; instead it is a dark and sad view of human nature. We meet Ruth's coke-head drug dealing boyfriend and a long line of low life's populating the massage parlor and its' surroundings.The directors' eye for detail is strong and the acting is fine overall, but the story is a typical melodrama, never really developing into anything memorable. Ms. Koechlin as Ruth is the only reason for watching this film, she is much better than the material she is working with here, definitely an actress to look for in the future.

Sanjay Patole

I started watching this movie just to pass my time. I hadn't read any review or had any expectations.The film brings out the true state of the existing conditions in India. Of many of which I myself have seen in real life. Though many people claim that it is not so bad.The storyline is very genuine and believable and you soon get caught up in the twists.The main character Ruth is very convincing. It is very difficult to predict what will happen next in the story.I loved the female who manned the massage desk. Her telephone conversations were so entertaining and true to life.The ending was totally unexpected. I had tears in my eyes.
