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The Bank Job

The Bank Job (2007)

April. 21,2007
| Adventure Drama Action Thriller

One just got released from prison, the other just "accidentally" killed a prostitute, so what's a couple of down on their luck career criminals to do? Rob a bank and head to Brazil of course! What could possibly go wrong? Gunshot wounds, terrorists, crazed gang-bangers, crazy women, heart-stopping car chases and of course the law make "The Bank Job" the most explosive action title for April, hot on the heels of "Miami Vice" and "Crank"!


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Touches You


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

Nadleska Vargas

This Movie was a waste of time....horrible! Bad effects, awful performances... The scenes were a total disorder. The argument itself was not that bad, but when the movie ends you can think there's something missing. The music looks like selected by a 10 years old boy, imagine every time a character was on the screen they played the same song! What a waste of money for the person that believed in this project! There are many things on the movie that just happened and nobody knew why and what happened after that, they just happened and stayed with no conclusion. When they 2 guys were shooting to the sheriff, not even a glass of none of the two cars were broken, that was stupid!


One of the best flick's I have seen I am so surprised to see that some people seem to have taken "The Bank Job" 2007 so seriously and would recommend that anybody looking for a great fun movie to watch this COOL black comedy. There are so many classic moments I will remember for ages to come. I don't watch many films twice but I just know I am going to see this again very soon.The two Mexican bandit type characters are captivating with there geeky matching gangster uniforms and their Laural & Hardy approach, but there is also something Quentin Tarantino going on I thought the ending could have been better to match the rest of this fantastic flick,or, Maybe I just enjoyed "The Bank Job" so much I didn't want it to stop....Thanks for reading now go watch The Bank Job 2007


this was a complete waste of time and i assume someones money. the plot wanders around like a blind dog with too many fire-hydrants and i am sure i have seen the script written on a mens restroom stall at the bus-station The action (?) and effects are worse then a sci-fi original movie. About the only bright spot in this travesty was the hooker who they kill off in less then five minutes. not sure if the cops were supposed to be funny or if that was just a couple drama 101 drop-outs they hired cheap. not good even in a bad way. no sexy girls (well other then the few seconds of the hooker...call me honey i can get you better work) , extreme boredom broken only by a car chase that ranks up there with watching the toddlers on the bumper-car ride at the carnival. good cover art and a couple of guys who can probably do a lot better with a real production is about all thats left in pandora's box.


Too many films these days strive to be something they're not. Especially independent movies. With "The Bank Job" first time director Brad Jurjens succeeds in making a film that comes straight from the gut. This is a movie you go to see to have a good time. A movie that gets you fired up. A movie that makes you want to jump in the screen and go for the ride. Sure it's a bit silly at times but due to the film's shoestring budget the comedy aspect is it's saving grace. A very smart move. But still for being a micro budget movie it manages to pull off a string of car chases that look like a million bucks. This is the movie that the disappointing "Smokin' Aces" should've been. A no holds barred blast of an action comedy that doesn't bail out in the end to try and become a serious drama. It knows what it is and what it is is a good time. Highly Recommended.
