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Wicked Temptations

Wicked Temptations (2002)

July. 09,2002
| Thriller

With a name like Sam Sharp, people expect a detective -- not a gorgeous woman. For the most part, Sam's cases are pretty tame, so when she receives a request to track down the sexy young wife of a magazine publisher, it seems easy enough. But when her investigation turns up a corpse at the bottom of the pool, it becomes clear that not everyone is telling the truth -- and that she must use more than just her investigative skills to uncover the killer...


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Wonderful Movie


A Masterpiece!


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.

Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.


This is an amusing, if trashy, steal of Raymond Chandler's classic novel, "The Lady In The Lake.: If you're going to steal, steal from the best, right? Hammett comes in for it too: Is Sam Sharpe sharper than a Sam Spade?


It was a DVD rental under that name. It was half way decent and had a plot and everything. pretty good acting and good quality but they inserted some gratuitous sex in between actual acting for no reason at all not that that was bad but stuck out really bad.. I would rent it again if someone was looking for that kind of movie.

Smooth B

This film isn't related to "Sinful Temptations"; similar names are common in this genre. I already ranted about that, but it does deserve mentioning again.When I read the cast listing and the credits, the name "Scarlet Johansing" stood out to me. Who the heck is this? When Scarlet first appeared on camera, however, I knew who it was right away. Aliases aside, Scarlet Johansing is my favorite B-movie babe Monique Parent, this time as a red-head. This film had a suprisingly good plot to it, and it always helps that Monique was in top form.Monique plays Samantha Sharpe, a detective who talks as if she's watched one too many film noir movies from the '40s. She's hot on the trail of a man accused of killing his wife. It's your standard murder-mystery, with the standard double-cross ending. Not too innovative, but it does keep the film moving along nicely.Women: A (Monique Parent is enough for me, but then we have female pornstars abound, such as big-boobed Angelica Sin, Wanda Curtis and Keri Windsor. Tess Broussard was something else, too. Very few films I've seen have rounded up a better cast of women.)Sex: B (It was good, but not great. The scenes were kinda short and Monique only had two of them. I'm a sucker for big boobs, though.)Story: B+ (The script uses some elements from old film noir movies, including having Monique's character speak in a firm tone. If they had her using hard-boiled detective language too, it would have slipped firmly into parody territory. I don't know if they were going for that, but it sure seemed like it.)Overall: B+ (A nice sendup of murder-mystery movies, with the right mix of sex worked into it. Well done.)


I saw this film twice already for free, on Digital CABLE. The acting is pitiful and atrocious, however, the film is saved by the sexy and beautiful soft porn actresses in it,most notably Monique Parent (who looks like she had breast implants), although her character basically is annoying whenever she speaks.Give a view if you can watch for free, otherwise don't waste your money.
