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Final: The Rapture

Final: The Rapture (2013)

September. 13,2013
| Thriller

A gritty, international tale of four separate stories woven together by a common theme: the Rapture.


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Sadly Over-hyped


Great Film overall


I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.

Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.


I didn't think it was even possible. I sat through another piece of pathological religious poppycock... again. I've been trying, in vain, to find just one "Rapture" movie out of three that would offer anything but an hilarious, last gasp of the Christian church to "save souls" through insane, desperate fear mongering, and bizarre, pointless "B" movies that they hope will terrify "non-believers" in believing in a God that is so vengeful, jealous, evil, bloodthirsty, and wrathful that he would kill all of his creations just to prove a point. Evidently, God didn't get his fill of murder and vengeance during the Great Flood, so now HE'S BA-A-A-C-K, and more angry than ever! Perhaps this time he'll do the job right, and punish all of his "children" in an apocalyptic nightmare that would make Sodom and Gomorrah look like child's play. If it wasn't painful enough to watch fundamentalist has-beens like Kirk Cameron destroy what little was left of his non-existent acting career, even Nicolas Cage had to get involved in this cinematic attempt at slow suicide. These three films are the "Holy Trinity" of bad flicks, possibly the worst, ham-fisted moralistic mistakes in the entire history of bad movies. The only "miracle" is that they managed to find three people with a lot of money dumb enough to produce them. What a concept... featuring God as the greatest single serial killer in history. "The Rapture: God's back, and he's mad as hell!!!"


When i watched this film i thought now whats this going to be like? After watching it i thought it was a brilliant film,fantastically acted!Every time i watch it the film brings a tear to my eye. Fantastic film and worth watching,it's really realistic film and seems like another one of stephen king's great stories, yet it's a story of hope in God and Jesus and many people who have watched will say the same thing - if you haven't seen this film already then watch it, it is brilliant, just brilliant!!be prepared to be moved, it's such a breathtaking journey for the whole two hours. A truly lovely magical film, my favourite of all time fantasticThe RAPTURE is going to happen. Be ready!


The movie had awesome reviews and I was geared up to watch it and I loved it. The negative reviews are all from these horrible people who didn't pay for the movie, then bash it. Great people in the world, huh.Pros:I got lost in Final the Rapture, it was so realistic and perfect. Jah Shams was awesome. Loved the second half more than the first. A must-watch. Totally entertaining without a moment of boredom.Cons:Declaring the Rapture seemed very hasty. The people rioting at at the end seemed little cheesy. Can you even get live feed like that?As I said, I believe the film was excellent, Final the Rapture was a powerfully emotional film. it had everything that I thought a film should have. It's action scenes were executed well and the science was basically perfect.The film is a great survival story which is at it's best when you watch it from big screen at movie theatre. Set design and scenery looks that great that there might be a change to get Oscar from it's visual effects next spring. Great choice of nostalgic music piece at the end crowns the whole story.We are nothing without God. Don't kid yourself. This will happen. It could happen tonight. While you're illegally stealing a movie online, God will come and leave you behind? Why? Because the BIBLE says no swindler or thief will inherit the Kingdom of God. Rail all you want at God, but you're still going to burn when you die. Fact.I give the film an 8 out of 10


... depicted through well made film. Based on the Christian belief that millions of Christians from around the world will suddenly and bodily disappear when Jesus "kidnaps" them.Seen through the eyes of four main characters from different places around the world: L.A, Tokyo, Buenies Airies and a plane crash survivor on a deserted island. What sets this Dramatic/Thriller/Tear-Jerker above other End-of-the-World films is the superior acting. A bit slow to get started but by the end you are "caught up" in the characters' plights as they search for the truth to the disappearances amidst all the theories and trying to survive the chaotic aftermath.Filmed on location around the world and an international cast gives it even more authenticity. You might not believe in Jesus by the end but you'll KNOW you've seen a good movie.But, as is usually the case, the Book version of this story is better. (From the Bible).
