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Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star

Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star (1986)

December. 01,1986
| Science Fiction

Three aliens from the planet Taros land on Earth and are befriended by a Wyoming rancher's son.


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Very best movie i ever watch


Great Film overall


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

Rainey Dawn

The film is not all that bad but it's really geared for the kids to much for me to really enjoy and not like and not as good as E.T. but it is somewhat enjoyable. If you have kids and like Sci-Fi (or your kids do) then this is an entertaining family film.The film movie had it's moments of being okay (from adult perspective) and I'm sure if I watched this one as a kid I would have liked it. Actually I'm surprised I've never seen this one before but then again I was 14 in 1986 and this film is geared for a younger than 10 years old audience I believe.I would recommend this movie for a family styled Sci-Fi movie night/day. I'm sure the kids would enjoy it with that 3-eyed, 3-legged monster thingy running around who's about as annoying as Jar-Jar Binks.4/10


Three aliens–two girls who look like they've been dragged through a bush backwards and a three-eyed, three-limbed, petrol-drinking fur-ball with dubious looking facial folds and orifices—try to prove to their people that mankind is ready for extraterrestrial contact by stowing aboard a craft to Earth and taking off for the wilds of Wyoming, where they are befriended by rancher's son 'Dirt'.Although this fairly unremarkable family friendly sci-fi adventure is predictable, saccharine sweet and extremely cheesy, its story about wide-eyed innocents exploring Earth about as twee as one could imagine, the whole thing is simply far too good-natured for me to really dislike it. The special effects are fairly impressive (with kudos going to the creators and puppeteers of three-eyed beastie Kirbi), the direction from Peter R. Hunt is more than adequate, and its potentially nauseating wholesome characters are surprisingly appealing, ageing star Keenan Wynn giving a particularly winning performance as Dirt's wise old grandfather (the actor's final performance).N.B. Actress Rosie Marcel, who plays Hyper Sapien's gap-toothed alien moppet Tavy, currently stars as feline-faced surgeon Jacqueline "Jac" Naylor in popular BBC medical drama Holby City. She now sports much sleeker hair.5.5 out of 10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.


I just watched this movie on a Saturday afternoon with my young daughter. This movie is along the lines of E.T. and Batteries not included...not a bad science-fiction family film that the whole family can enjoy together. Definetaly an 80's flick...but i love movies of that era. I found this movie in a Mill Creek Entertainment Sci-Fi Invasion box set...so, it's a great value pack....not the greatest film out there...but not bad at all...something for everyone with a cute storyline and good production values. I believe this had a theatrical studio release...albeit limited, which is too bad, a bit of a feel good movie. Enjoy!


Now, I can happily say that I did NOT rent this movie. This horrible film was on a Sci-Fi channel late one night, and I laughed so hard for so long watching it!The acting is bad. The special effects are real bad. The hair is the worst. The girls' hair changes colour every scene ("due to the Earth's sun"), it's bigger than Dolly Parton's hair on a bad hair day after she's been in the wind for 36 hours; and their father/spaceguy leader who's looking for them could very well be the newest "before" picture in a Grecian 5 commercial.This movie is sick - there's no other way to put it. Rent it simply for a good laugh.
