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The Last Dinosaur

The Last Dinosaur (1977)

July. 07,1977
| Adventure Science Fiction TV Movie

Wealthy big game hunter (Boone), along with his group, gets trapped in pre-historic times where they are stalked by a ferocious dinosaur.


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Beautiful, moving film.


Admirable film.

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.


Stupidly beautiful. This movie epitomizes the 'so bad it's good' genre of films. The only two talents in it are Richard Boone and Joan van Ark, and only Boone is any good. It's kind of sad that the man who rose to fame as Paladin should wind up in this ugly pile of celluloid. While he turns in a fantastic performance, I couldn't help but feel that he so outclassed all his fellow actors in this piece that he shouldn't even have been there.The effects in this film are laughable, but fun. The idea of a dinosaur being buried in the wall of a cave and suddenly coming to life is B-movie gold. When the 'triceratops' gets killed, watch how it falls. It's clear that the stunt performer in the FRONT of the costume knows the timing best. He falls to the ground, well before the back half of the dinosaur follows suit.Speaking of 'suits', there is nothing good to say about the purple tyrannosaur, in this flick. It seems to have some kind of stealth technology, since Bunta (reputed to be the best tracker in the world) twice fails to notice it until it's within biting range of him. I don't know how all the prints are, but in the version I own, the Tyranno's roar contains Godzilla's trademark bellow.This is loads of fun, to watch, if you like bad movies. I love them, and especially bad monster movies, so I consider this the gem of my collection. If bad movies are your thing, definitely get this one.


I'm not sure if these other people saw the movie - some apparently couldn't follow the "complicated plot". He's a billionaire who owns an oil company who ALSO happens to big game hunt - wow - that's really far fetched. Any way - his new "drilling machine" happens to break through a glacier and on the other side is a world seperated from our own time where dinosaurs and cavemen wander around. Nothing ground breaking about this but it certainly isn't ludicrous. Anyway the rest of the movie is about this T-Rex they find (which the billionaire, Boone, claimed was there) hunting them and them hunting it. Look - it's an old made for TV movie - of course the special effects look cheesy - they didn't have CG - they did the best they could and for a MFTVM they did a hell of a job for the time. This movie should be remade for the big screen - I'd love it and I'd be the first one in line. Seeing that Dinosaur with modern day special effects stalking those guys would be great!


I liked this movie because it had the motive of the hunter, an old man, who had to culminate his endeavors with the ultimate kill. It was him against the most ferocious beast known to man. He killed it in the end, although taking his own life, he portrayed a "man on a mission" which left his partners scrambling for their own lives. It was funny, very funny, especially when the boulder from the catapult they made to kill the dinosaur made an indentation into the head like it hit a soft pillow -head of T-rex. I would say you had to see it to appreciate the humor. Perhaps those who made the movie had humor in mind, because that is what I got out of it, and that's why I rate it a 7 out of 10!


The Last Dinosaur was one ludricrous Made-for-TV movie! Richard Boone and Joan Van Ark play these scientists who go on a trip to an unknown island with a couple of other people and they get transported to the Stone Age and find themselves and a couple of cave people in battle with a dinosaur. How was that possible? The writers didn't even explain how they got into the Stone Age. Richard Boone goes through the movie trying to find some ways to kill the dinosaur, and Joan Van Ark just acts like a ditzy bimbo who acted like she didn't know what was going on. For example, she didn't know that it snows in the mountains even in the summer. This is another B-movie that MST3K could've had a field day with. The funniest line was, "First he's gonna chew us, then he's gonna swallow us, then he's gonna dissolve us, and I don't think we're ready for that"! The Last Dinosaur would be fun to watch for B-movie to have a good laugh. I also liked Richard Boone's laughably pathetic attempts to try to kill the dinosaur. The dinosaur itself looks so fake that you can tell it's probably a stunt man in a costume! In the end, the hero stays behind. This movie was like the cast of Dawson's Creek going on an island to kill a dinosaur. It's no wonder this movie didn't make it to theaters. It was even worse as a Made-for-TV movie! The Last Dinosaur is yet another cheesy movie with a nonexistent plot, inconvenience, and continuity problems. It kind of makes you wonder if the writers and producers were drunk when they were making up the dialogue and storyline.
