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Snuff (1976)

January. 16,1976
| Horror

The followers of a charismatic cult leader set out to murder a pregnant actress.


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So much average


Simply A Masterpiece


Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


Crappy movie that leads to the infamous "snuff" scene. However, after the poor actress looses her one of her left fingers, the final scene of her innards being removed clearly shows all fingers on the same hand intact. Come on. Even if the gore appears fake, at least get the details right. It is actually kind of fun watching movies like this and noting the inaccurate video illustrating the true fakeness of it all.Besides that, the movie itself is quite funny without trying to be. Not to mention it is not in English, so the voice-over only ads to the enjoyment of it all. If you can watch it for free or downoad it, go for it. However, save your money for something more believable. The "Guinea Pig" series would be a better place to start than this.

Paul Andrews

Snuff is set in Argentina where American actress Terry London (Mirtha Massa) has just landed with film producer Max Marsh (Also Mayo) where they intend to make a film with Terry the star. Terry wants to keep Max sweet as it's her big break but she meets up with her lover Horst Frank (Clao Vaillanueva) who has two girlfriends on the go, both Terry & weirdo cult member pothead Angelica (Margarita Amuchástegui) who is in fact under the complete control of cult leader Satan (Enrique Larratelli) & has been sent to seduce Horst & have his baby for no real apparent reason. Eventually the cult members under instruction from Satan himself decide to dish out some justice to Horst & his adulterous friends...This notorious Argentinian American co-production was written & directed by the husband & wife film-making team of Michael & Roberta Findlay & the vast majority of the film was shot in 1971 in Argentina under the title Slaughter which apparently played a few theatres & disappeared to awful reviews & business. To be honest this 70 odd minute chunk of the 80 odd minute run time is total crap with some of the worst dubbing, writing, acting, production values, pacing & dialogue one is ever likely to suffer. It really is that terrible as we have to suffer a pseudo real life Charles Manson style cult murder, scenes just come & go, I mean who was that bloke in the airport Angelica killed at the start? The dialogue is laughably bad as it tries to be deep with stories of child abuse & silly histrionics from that Satan bloke & everyone seems to be having an affair with everyone else. Just to add insult to injury the film doesn't even finish as a few years after Slaughter was filmed in 1976 American producer Allan Shackleton brought the rights & cut the ending completely choosing to shoot & add the final few minutes himself & thus a legacy was born. These final few minutes edited onto the end of Slaughter comprise the film crew yelling 'cut' at the end of a violent shot & then killing the real life actress who played Angelica as the violence has all turned them on or something like that. All that Shackleton then had to do was change the title to Snuff & get as much bad publicity as he could. Needless to say the actresses don't match up, the special effects work is crude & doesn't convince & it's just a very odd viewing experience that isn't enjoyable but may be of curiosity to exploitation fans like myself but nothing more.The film has the most atrocious production values with quite simply the worst dubbing job ever in the sense that every single line is badly dubbed rather than just the odd one or two. There's a bit of gore here, there's a cut foot, a few bullet wounds, a few stabbings & of course the fake looking 'real' murder at the end which features a chopped off finger, a chopped off hand & a woman's guts being pulled out. The middle part of the film features an extremely long & tedious sequence set at a carnival & the stock footage used is of awful quality & is used to pad the run time out & the same shot is repeated several times. Banned as a 'Video Nasty' here in the UK for many years Snuff passed uncut as an 18 a few years back but nobody bothered to release it. The Findlay's film-making style doesn't add too much but there is one bizarre moment where Terry is questioned by a policeman (actually played by director Michael Findlay) who sits at a nice polished wooden desk outside in the middle of a giant set of doors to a warehouse or factory of some sort which is just a totally random moment that I have no idea what the filmmakers were thinking when they shot it. Director Findlay was killed in an accident in New York in 1977 where he was decapitated by helicopter rotor blade as it crashed.Filmed on location in Argentina with local actors the 'snuff' bit at the end was shot in New York several years later. Snuff is quite possibly the worst, most shabby film I have seen with rock bottom production values & no redeeming qualities at all.Snuff is one of the most successful film hoaxes of all time as the promise of a real murder committed on screen for all to see made this piece of crud a box-office smash, such a shame as there are so many better horror films out there that deserved success over this piece of crap. I'll give it one star for the Slaughter part of the film & one star for the Snuff part, all in all this is one to avoid although I can't deny it's historic significance.


I vaguely remember the outrage over this one, but finally seeing it years later, I'll embarrassingly admit it was kinda fun. The real movie is a pretty disjointed Manson cult movie called "Slaughter" with a gang of pretty girls who worship a dude named Satan (suh-TAHN). He makes them kill for drugs and money. The gang of hotties is pretty brutal to a girl named Ann. An American actress comes to Brazil to make a movie, takes a lover and gets pregnant. Satan says the child is supposed to be a sacrifice, and from there on out, nothing makes a lot of sense, but we do get some shots of Carnival. But you don't care about the real movie. What brings you to rent the infamous "Snuff" is, well, the infamous snuff sequence. SPOILERS FOLLOW As the main movie ends, the camera pulls back to reveal a film crew. A guy and a girl are making out on a bed and it turns out it's a snuff film! Her arm is cut, a finger is chopped of with pliers, her other hand is cut off with a ripsaw - wholesome stuff. Then she's cut open and her guts are played with for a while. The screen goes blank and you can hear the crew talk about how they ran out of film. How conveeenient. It's not very well done, or even all that shocking. In fact, all the tacked on snuff sequence did was make me want to see all of "Slaughter." But you live and learn.


Snuff is in no way a good movie, I should start with that. I hadn't even heard of this movie until recently and figured that it should be in my library. It is worth a viewing, I will give it that. And it is not the movie that makes it worth your time, it is the end.The plot begins with several women on motorcycles who go off and kill this girl for "Holding out on them". Then we meet Sattan (I think that is his name) who is a Charlie Manson wannabe. He apparently has control over these woman and can make them do whatever he wants. Next, we are introduced to an actress coming into South America with her director to start filming a new movie. She meets up with an old flame and then the director is murdered by the crazy women. The storyline goes back and forth from the wannabe Manson family to the actress all leading up to a bunch of random hilarious murders.This movie was a struggle to sit through due to its extremely slow first half. Things do finally pick up when a new girl joins up with the wannabe Manson family and starts telling her tale. After that, we just see a lot of silliness and a great scene at a general store in which the women murder everyone there. Look for the girl in the scene whose mother has just been murdered because her acting is priceless. Finally, the end of the movie is really what makes it all worth while. The director in the end tries to simulate an actual murder. The results are silly for todays standards but was still pretty nifty looking with a pair of clippers chopping off fingers and ripping out guts. I liked it, even if it was fake. So if you read this review ignore the low rating the movie gets on IMDb, which is like a 2/10. I would give this movie a 7/10 for enjoyment and the end sequence.
