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Dangerous Mind of a Hooligan

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Dangerous Mind of a Hooligan (2014)

May. 19,2014
| Crime
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Five criminals unknown to each other are hired to complete a bank robbery. What should have been a smooth operation soon descends into paranoia, violence and horror.


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That was an excellent one.


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.


If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.


Sigh, another low budget British gangster flick... if there were a handful of good ones, I'd have been more keen when sitting down, but at least I didn't have high hopes to be dashed.And it's for the best, because the direction was confused, as - lacking a decent script and/or interesting characters - we got some arty shots mixed in with the some others used over and over, and cheap locations that really failed to make the actual bank job the film's all about, believable.For some reason, a security guard has a gun (I don't know what banks the producers visit in England, if this seemed realistic) and the back-stories of each character were badly put together and not even remotely engaging. In fact, I'd say that the best character died first (well, okay, second), and where I wrote above that the acting was good, I was obviously neglecting the really CRAP cop who hunts the group of robbers down.With 1,000s of films on Sky where this is presently playing, you didn't have any reason to watch this anyway, so just flick over to something else.


First off, it's got nothing at all to do with football hooliganism. There is one scene where one geeza' is telling a woman that he used to fight at football matches, but the fundamental part of the narrative is that there is a heist a guess what? It's only gone bloomin' wrong!!!And he's avin' a larf!!!That's the writer director that is. As you would expect,the film is the pits, and these films, like low budget horrors get released almost every other week here in the UK, the covers are more or less the same, and there is always some sort of scribing on the cover like 'the best British thriller since The Long Good Friday' to get the working class man worked up.But it's like the director has watched too much Tarantino and Guy Ritchie movies and tried to do his own version. There are monologues about fast food, boxing and obviously a double cross, and its horrible to watch.The characters are all stereotypical of this sort of movie, one has a heart of gold because of his past, one is a nutter, one is a family man, and one is ex forces who says a prayer before the robbery.Righto then. The supposed monologues are cringe worthy, the suits are something out of Buddy's Song, and there is a twist at the end, that irritates.Oh and there is a bent copper. There's always a bent copper.If I could put a scribing on the DVD cover, it would simply say 'pfft'.


Review: I thought that this movie was going to be about football hooligans, but it's got nothing to do with football at all. Basically it's about a group of group of men who rob a bank and then go on the run from the law, taking a hostage with them. It's not your typical violent, cockney British gangster movie because the bunch of criminals really haven't got a clue about how there going to get away. It some ways it's a watchable comedy, but then the storyline gets interesting when the twists and turns of each individual situation comes into play. The acting is pretty average along with the storyline, but it's not as bad as a lot of British gangster movies that I have seen lately. Not Bad!Round-Up: There are some recognisable faces in the movie, but there not A-listers. I can't see how this movie fits into the other films in this franchise and I thought that the ending could have been a bit better. I didn't have high expectations for the film so I wasn't totally disappointed, if anything, I was surprised that the director concentrated on the wit and the script more than the violence, sex and drugs, like many other movies in this genre. In all, it's a short movie which you end up sticking with, just to see how the story unfolds. Budget: $3million Worldwide Gross: N/AI recommend this movie to people who are into there heist movies about a group of bank robbers on the run. 3/10

Aaron River

What a waste of time, well 25 minuets! Actually i only got about 25 minuets in, and that was because i wanted to see if it could get any better! which just added to the disappointment! You don't even need to see it through to the end to see where it's going..Although I didn't bother waiting to find out where it went so i could be completely wrong about where it was going! But i didn't have 82 minuets to waste frankly.Personally if you've got nothing else to do and like to watch a mediocre British gangster/psychopath killer/??? type film then I'd recommend taking up reading!!!
