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Capture Kill Release

Capture Kill Release (2016)

October. 09,2016
| Drama Horror Thriller

A couple plots to murder a random stranger just for the thrill of it, but things turn ugly when one of them decides not to go through with it.


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To me, this movie is perfection.


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.


I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

Justine Robinson

I'm a huge horror fan and this movie by far has been one of the best horror films I've seen in years! It captures the psychological aspect of horror and psychopaths while adding the element of gore in the first person perspective. There were parts where I had to look away, but couldn't.


Although Farhang was annoying and bitch boy in every way possible the film still worth the watch. Jennifer, played by Jennifer was believable as an attention needy sick woman. Watch till the very end for the movie to be worth worth the experience. The true sad star was poor ole Gary and the cat :(


Capture Kill Release is a fascinating movie. I don't know if I'll ever re-watch it, but I think I'll remember it pretty clearly.It doesn't start off with a bang, but it builds and hooks interest pretty well. I can imagine if this were a bigger budget, and had more studio control, they would want to start it off with a bit of the future to whet the audience's appetite.A large amount of time is spent getting sucked into conversations and preparation for killing a person. The logistical talks, buying equipment. There's even a test, using a saber saw on chunks of meat to see how well it performs.This is a pleasant change of pace. We see lots of horror movies where the killer has some chamber of horrors already prepared, hanging hooks and implements of torture laid out. But this is more of an exploration of the steps needed to reach that state.That may sound boring, but it brings a level of realism and humanity to the movie that is much more disturbing. We are able to identify with the characters - at least for a while.Our primary window into this movie is through the husband, who starts off fairly interested in this project, but realizes the reality of what is happening pretty quickly. His interest in killing is romanticized by movies, where the victims might not have a defined identity. He brings this up; he's bothered when she keeps referring to their victim by name.Throughout the movie, I thought I knew how things were going to end. Instead, the last few minutes kept reinforcing what I was expecting, only to subvert it at the last second.As many people have mentioned, there is the death of a cat in this movie. It is distressing, but it's also needed in order to move things forward. It could have been done a different way, but I'm not sure if it would have been effective. To be fair, it's handled quickly, and not graphically.


CAPTURE KILL RELEASE is a micro budget horror film with just a handful of characters in the cast. The premise is pretty nasty and depicts horror in an ordinary, everyday kind of way. It features an attractive young couple living a normal life which is chronicled by a video diary who decide to spice up their existence by committing murder.This film plays out in a slow and stately fashion with an emphasis on the psychology of the main characters over other elements. In that respect, it makes use of the limited elements available, namely a building and just two main actors. There are some very graphic gore sequences which feature astoundingly realistic special effects but these don't take up much of the running time. Otherwise, there really isn't very much on offer here.
