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College Kickboxers

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College Kickboxers (1992)

January. 29,1992
| Action
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A college freshman who trains in martial arts is beaten up at work by a racist gang. His co-worker, a Chinese cook, beats the gang up and trains the young man in Kung Fu. When a tournament is to be held, the teacher tells the student that he will not teach him for money. However, when the gang beats up the student's best friend, the student now must make the choice of entering the tournament or keeping the promise to his teacher.


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So much average


Simply Perfect


This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.


All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.


With a somewhat goofy title, it doesn't come as no surprise that "College Kickboxers" will provoke some laughs from viewers, though most of the laughs are unintentional. That's not to say that the movie is lacking some genuine merit. It doesn't look too bad for what was a really low budget, for one thing. And the martial art sequences actually are pretty good, being swift and exciting. And as the movie's inevitable martial arts master, actor Tak-Wing Tang gives his character a sense of humor which is genuinely amusing, though his thick accent makes some of his dialogue hard to make out.But as I mentioned in the above paragraph, most of the humor found in the movie is of the unintentional kind. Some of the acting by the other players is so broad and amateurish that you can't help but laugh, especially since some of the written dialogue is also unintentionally comical. The script also suffers from a long midsection where little advance in the (thin) plot is made. Strangely, there are also some garbled plot points that suggest that key footage was edited out or not filmed in the first place. But I admit the movie is never dull despite those shortcomings. It isn't a must see viewing experience, but it has a somewhat goofy charm that carries viewers with low expectations from start to finish. There are worse movies with this basic formula out there.

Bryce Edgecumbe

Wow... this truly has to be one of my favourite movies of all time. For me, I always get a kick (no pun intended) from watching this movie.I don't know if it's the awesome opening scene and credits where our main protagonist drives into town with some awesome cheesy 80's theme music to back him up, The amount of times they say "a.r.s.e" in the first few opening minutes (it's a lot), the high pants wearing, the cheesy "bad guy" music, the cheesy "bad guys" and their never ending racial slurs, the cheesy dialogue, the legendary Mr. Wing (has to be the best cliché old Asian martial arts instructor in movie history), or the fact that no matter how many times I watch it, I'll never be able to make sense out of the final few fights in the karate tournament.I may be being a little sarcastic when I give it 10 out of 10, I mean, if you're looking for the next Ben Hur, perhaps you should look somewhere else, but it is a 10 out of 10 for enjoyment. Everyone should see this movie, you wont forget about watching it any time soon.


This movie is really bad. But it´s bad in a good way. The acting is laughable and the main bad guy must be the silliest villain ever put on film. The story is very good an unpredictable, with some great plot twists...Yeah, right! The story sucks of course, but you don´t see this kind of movie because of it´s story.The martial arts are surprisingly good for a movie with a budget as low as this. All in all, this is a great movie to see with friends over a couple of six-packs.


I saw this film under the name TRAINED TO FIGHT and I found it to be very good, thanks to the appearance of Tang Tak-Wing as "Sifu Wing". Otherwise, this film would have most likely have been another piece of trash. Nevertheless, the tournament sequences at the end, when Ken McLeod gets revenge on the White Tigers, are great. I recommend this film. It even gives you a lesson about the true meaning of martial arts.
