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Political Animals

Political Animals (2012)

July. 15,2012
| Drama

Political Animals is a six-part miniseries. Elaine Barrish's husband Bud was a popular President of the United States during the 1990s despite his extramarital affairs. After leaving the White House, Elaine Barrish was elected Governor of Illinois and ran for the Democratic nomination for President, but lost to Paul Garcetti. The night Barrish conceded the nomination, she asked her husband for a divorce. Two years later, as Garcetti's Secretary of State, Barrish deals with State Department issues while trying to keep her family together.


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How sad is this?


Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


Absolutely Fantastic


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.


Most of the time I dismiss politicians as heartless opportunists. I understand that this series does not give the whole story, but it does allow some insight why they do what they do and it may not all be sinister. Sigourney is excellent. A hard "bitch" with a brain, integrity and a heart made of glass.Her husband, the president is the real "bitch", but being a male he bathes in respect and popularity. Sounds like real life :) The two sons are hot, smart and over privileged. Tough love is one of the hardest things to do for a parent, something that Sigourney's character has yet to master. This is an excellent series reflecting, power, love, disappointment, family and personal challenges staged in the most prestigious address in the USA, perhaps the world.

Andy M

This is one of those shows that is great for the whole ensemble. It would suck without the people that are in it. Everyone does a great job for the role they have. It has apparently gotten so-so reviews, and I am not sure why. Yes, it's over-the-top, but what isn't? And that doesn't mean it is bad. It is crazy in a great way. Every character has his/her hangups. As with all TV shows, it shows everything that has happened/can go wrong, and makes it seem real. This show feels real. Maybe I am biased - I would vote for Elaine. I am sure that the creators knew that, because Secretary Clinton (inspiration for the show) is a lot like Elaine. I think that, because it is a mini-series, people are so harsh on it. It would do great as a full- series because it would give time to focus on what needs to be focused on. But hey, I love it and I think everyone will.

Turtle Heart

Yes. Sigourney Weaver is a treasure. It is great to see her on the TV in this series, and she is perfectly cast. The writing coupled with her great spirit allows the artistic medium to look at political issues, in particular, issues affecting women, with an eye that is impossible via the MSM. The one problem I have is seeing reporters like Andrea Mitchell appearing "as themselves" in a fictional story. I believe Ms. Mitchell lowers, perhaps even destroys her credibility by showing up in a drama like this. It is a very distasteful trend in films these days, and I would point the finger of shame at any modern journalist who does this. I am also not at all a fan of the blow hard actor, Ciarán Hinds, but considering the intent of the show, I can get used to it. Perhaps his objectionable is why they cast him. It is great to have an actor of Ms. Weaver's stature in a drama like this. She can lend her formidable presence and integrity to the issues explored by the writers. The rest of the cast is quite god. The producers set up a formidable and interesting family, encompassing most of the red hot issues of our times.


Okay, starting by saying, its fun, with good acting and I love Weaver since forever ...but...WHY!? We have been treated to an endless batch of "Democrats are great and wonderful and have problems like everyone else but intend to make the world a better place if just allowed too".I was raised by liberal democrats, I know them. I'm self employed and have a boatload of Republican friends and family, I know them too.How about we do something crazy. How about we have republicans that care about Americas, care about their families, and have to do swarmy stuff to get elected, that they really didn't wish they had to to, but do anyway because the other party forces into the horrible position.Just Say'n
