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Scary or Die

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Scary or Die (2012)

September. 09,2012
| Horror
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The creation of filmmaker Michael Emanuel, SCARY OR DIE tells five interwoven horror stories that take place in and around the “City of Angles”. A flesh-eating clown desperately trying to protect the person he craves the most; a dirty cop and a hit gone wrong with a vengeful Necromancer; a beautiful but mysterious woman and a lonely man looking for love in all the wrong places; a gruesome, blood-splattered uprising of illegal Mexican zombies; and a Cajun conjurer grandfather whose gift of never-ending love goes terribly awry…SCARY OR DIE is a unique experience in horror filmmaking certain to fulfill all your twisted horror film experience needs.


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How sad is this?


Absolutely brilliant


A waste of 90 minutes of my life


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


The lame framing device for this mediocre anthology has an unseen person logging on to a website where they view five short, supposedly scary videos.In the first, The Crossing, trashy strumpet Connie (Hali Lula Hudson) accompanies rednecks Buck (Bill Oberst Jr.) and Keith (Shawn-Caulin Young) to the Mexican border where the guys have been murdering and burying immigrants in order to deter wetbacks from entering their country. But when Keith, who has been swilling foul-looking moonshine, stops to take a leak, his toxic urine soaks into the ground, bringing the pair's previous victims back from the dead as ravenous, vengeful zombies. Some enthusiastic blood-letting makes this tale fairly enjoyable, although the 'twist' at the very end is as old as the hills, ripped straight from Romero's classic Night of the Living Dead.Tale number two, Taejung's Lament, revolves around lonely widower Taejung (Charles Rahi Chun), who, having rescued mysterious young woman Min-ah (Alexandria Choi) from an attacker, is invited to a party the following week. When he gets there, Taejung discovers that the other guests are all vampires. Another moderately entertaining story, but the payoff is weak and predictable.Re-membered stars Christopher Darga as hit-man Sam Franks, who is driving down the freeway with the remains of a dismembered victim in his trunk when he hears strange noises coming from the back of his car. No prizes for guessing that this story ends with Sam meeting a grisly fate at the hands of his victim, who has somehow reassembled himself.The fourth and best story, Clowned, sees petty drug-dealer Emmett (Corbin Bleu) gradually transforming into a hideous clown after he is bitten by the creepy (and inappropriately named) entertainer at his younger brother's birthday party. Director Michael Emanuel drags his story out for far too long but at least offers some genuinely creepy imagery along the way, with Emmett as the clown being a particularly impressive sight—easily one of the more disturbing horror movie clowns that I have seen. The ending for this one is also pretty neat, displaying a delicious sense of black humour.In contrast, Lover Come Back, the final segment, is incredibly short, and tells of a woman whose voodoo amulet helps her to return from the dead to seek revenge on her murderous husband. It's executed with a fair amount of style, but isn't all that memorable.The film wraps up matters by revealing the person logged onto the website to be the dead woman from the final story, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Theo Robertson

Oh an anthology horror movie ! Just like those one Amicus used to make in the 1970s . If nothing else if you don't like one story then there might be the chance that you may like the next story coming up in five minutes . However these films from yesteryear were made with a feeling of camp affection and were best viewed when you were about 12 years old on ITV one Friday night when Britain only had a grand total of three television stations . Nowadays if you like any story from a horror anthology then you're very fortunate Let's just say I wasn't fortunate in watching this . The title alone is an atrocity against grammar and warns you that you're going to be watching literate drama . But even in horror terms this is fairly vapid stuff of rednecks vs zombies , lonely man meets woman with a secret etc etc . Some people who think clowns are scary might find at least one of the stories creepy but the rest of the film is unimpressive for those not addicted to the horror genre


All of the films were decent, none were that great. My favorite was probably the vampire one, although I thought it seemed a bit confused. Why exactly was the protagonist seeing his dead wife as a ghost, when there really was no significance of it? I also thought it was interesting to repeatedly see the girl in the high heels walking, up until the last film where she is found to be the main character. The re-membered one was also solid, but I found it extremely dumb that the protagonist in that was one of the detectives in the clown one. I also enjoyed seeing Corbin Bleu as a clown (compliments to the makeup artists, not to the high school musical star). All in all, a somewhat decent film. 4 stars out of 10.


This film is more than an homage to the classic monster films we know and love. It combines modern visions with a deep thinking. "The Crossing" takes on zombies and immigration with Bill Oberst Jr. leading the charge, "Taejung's Lament" twists together Asian ghosts and vampires, "Re-Membered" gives us a new look at Tell Tale Heart and Frankenstein, Corbin Bleu proves he isn't that kid from High School Musical anymore when he gets "Clowned" in this all heart and a lot of bite were-clown story - Emanuel cleverly toys with our fear of clowns mixed with cannibalism and werewolves, while a voodoo grandparent's blessing of true love may in fact be a curse. ~ Creepercast
