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Miles Between Us

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Miles Between Us (2017)

May. 12,2017
| Drama Family
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A father and daughter who have been estranged by divorce for twelve years find themselves on a trip across the country that becomes a more complicated journey than they imagined. It's a story of pain, hope, healing, and redemption.


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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.


The fact that I didn't grow up without a father, this film certainly resonated with me quite a bit. Interesting too that the father character, Scott Dauer, is a film producer, just like my late dad was who was a screenwriter. The relationship of father and daughter (played by Dariush Moslemi and Anna Stranz, respectively) is pretty compelling, starting out testy but they slowly bond as they spend more time with each other.The dialog feels natural, peppered with comic moments as well as profound spiritual conversations that is organic to the story. I enjoyed the performances from both leads. There's humor and touching moments, which makes the road trip far from boring. The only part that I find a bit awkward is the scenes between the daughter and a film star her dad's pursuing for his film. Overall though, it's a well- crafted and well-acted Minnesota-made indie drama that should appeal to teens, families and the faithful communities. Props to writer/producer Scott Peterson and director Andrew Hunt, it's a lovely little story of pain, hope, healing, and redemption.


Generally I do not like dramas. However, this was one of the best I have seen. It was an excellent portrayal of the non-existent relationship between a father and daughter and their struggles to understand each other's motives and feelings. Great movie.


This was an excellent movie with many subtle messages. As any parent knows, once our children become adults it's never easy and a lot of well intended messages can get lost in translation. This movie addressed some of those moments and really let you have moments when you were in the adult child's shoes as well as the parents. Would recommend this to anyone ! Would even make a great movie for children not quite old enough to be moved out on their own. Could create some good post movie discussions.

Aaron Myers

This film represents the very best in Twin Cities' independent filmmaking. I attended the premiere of Miles Between Us at the Twin Cities Film Festival with my 12-year-old son. We both loved this film. The writing and acting are so beautiful. Typically, movies that focus on divorce lean on a crutch of clichés and, inevitably, a vast over-simplification of the emotional fallout that exists for both parents and children. Not this film. Scott Peterson's screenplay offers a touching but unflinching portrait of divorce and its aftermath, displaying a sensitivity and emotional nuance that has escaped so many lesser films.This is fundamentally a redemption story, a story that is alternately spiritual and hilarious, and a story that treats its subject matter and its characters with the respect and the rich complexity they deserve. The film is wonderfully acted, with Dariush Moslemi and Anna Stranz in the lead roles, hitting all the right notes and doing justice to this screenplay.This is a wonderful, touching film that represents the very best of independent filmmaking.
