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Night of the Living Dorks

Night of the Living Dorks (2006)

March. 31,2006
| Horror Comedy

Three not-so-cool school friends decide to try a old voodoo ritual. Later, they die in a car accident, but live on as zombies. But being a zombie has advantages, too...


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How sad is this?


This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.


A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


As others have said this is kind "Revenge of the Nerds" meets "Night of the Living Dead". It's also kind of sweet and romantic in a way. It kind of reminded me of Bob Balaban's underrated horror/comedy "My Boyfriend's Back" released about ten years ago or "Idle Hands" a little more recently. After participating in a hilariously screwed-up graveyard ritual with some half-assed satanists, three nerdy losers are killed in car accident (which results from a hilarious bong-related mishap), and come back to life as zombies. They decide to use their undead abilities to get revenge on their enemies and chase after the girls of their dreams.To this movie's credit it's very funny, and all the characters, especially the three protagonists, are well-drawn and likable. There's also some subtle jokes like the characters attending "Friedrich Nietzsche High School" (which actually might not be a joke in Germany) and the homosexual gym teacher named "Mr. Stalin". The downside though is it's a little too much like a modern-day American teen movie (which makes it pretty ironic that Hollywood is apparently going to remake this). The teens are ridiculously horny even by teenage standards and there is no end to the gross-out, sexually related humor, yet there is also very little (female) nudity. The main protagonist is in love with an icy Aryan blonde, but in typical Hollywood teen movie fashion doesn't seem to notice that the "goth" girl-next-door who taught him how to kiss is absolutely gorgeous. I also wish it were even more "politically incorrect"--the funniest scenes are the ones Hollywood would have been too leery to put in a teen movie, like the irresponsible dope smoking while driving or the scene where the dim-witted satanists accidentally draw a Star of David instead of a pentagram ("The only thing you're going to summon with that is the Jewish Council!").If you are going to watch a modern-day teenage movie though, you could certainly do worse than this (a lot worse).


It is so rare that I see a teen horror film that works on so many different levels, the way "Night of the Living Dorks" does. This film is fun, charming and even scary at times. Thus, I was shocked to see some "real dork" posting all these negative comments about this amazing film, which unfortunately comes up as the first user comment one sees, when most of the user comments on "Night of the Living Dorks" are favorable.My only advice is watch the film in German (with English subtitles) because the dubbed version is lame, and the actual voices of the actors in this movie are hilarious. After a while, I didn't even need the subtitles, even though my German consists of "Speiken Zi Deutch!"Go buy this movie! A splendid time is guaranteed for all!


A German horror comedy that successfully spoofs all possible clichés of zombie films without ever paying any disrespect to the real genre classics or ending up as a retarded 90 minutes joke itself??? It's almost impossible to accept such a thing exists and yet here's Mathias Dinter's "Night of the Living Dorks"! I swear, unless you absolutely have no sense of humor in you, you can't but enjoy this silly story about three typical German high-school nerds that suddenly move up the social ladder because they have the strength and advantages of the living dead. In a desperate attempt to conquer a girl's heart (and body), Philip and his friends Konrad and Wurst (what's in a name) undergo a voodoo ritual and become soiled by the ashes of a dead Haitian zombie. There's no result at first but, after a car accident, our jolly trio is immune to pain and has developed an insatiable desire for raw meat. While Konrad and Wurst are having the time of their lives abusing their zombie powers, Philip turns to his loving neighbor girl for a cure. This light-headed and spirited production contains all the necessary ingredients to guarantee brainless entertainment and yet a lot more, too. Whereas other German movies are frequently uptight (no offense to any German readers...), "Night of the Living Dorks" specifically focuses on laughing with stereotypes and even the country's own national history. All the gags and references towards classic films in the script already featured in previous zombie comedies and yet this movie still feels fresh and innovating. Even the jokes that aren't zombie-related, like soft-drug usage or the "crush on teacher"-syndrome, are effective and will make you chuckle. The acting of the boys is pretty good, while the girls all look ravishing and show quite a bit of naked flesh. The gory situations aren't as outrageous as I thought, which is probably due to the German rating system, but there certainly is some nice sloth to enjoy. Many will disagree, maybe, but I think this pleasant German surprise doesn't have to yield much to similar movies like "Shaun of the Dead", "Return of the Living Dead" or "The Dead Hate The Living". Bring out the six-packs of beer!


Invite some friends, get some beer, watch this movie and enjoy it !!! I did so, and we all had a really good time! Of course it is no blockbuster Vampire-Movie... Collien Fernandez is not Winona Ryder, Manuel Cortez is not Gary Oldmann and Tino Mewes is actually not really Brad Pitt. BUT: It is extremely amusing, the DVD-Extras are superb, and for such a low-budget movie the effects are OK.There are no splatter-blood-spilling-brain dripping scenes in it, so everyone can really enjoy it.So... Have fun, and if you liked the movie recommend it to your friends! Little independent Movies MUST be supported (and this one is worth it)
