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Dirty Movie

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Dirty Movie (2011)

February. 15,2011
| Comedy
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An outrageous cut-rate producer is about to fulfill his lifelong dream to make a movie about the most offensive, dirtiest jokes ever told. As Charlie and his filmmaking team hilariously struggle to write a script and assemble their award-winning cast, the movie-within-a-movie emerges with one dirty joke after another. Only one can take the crown for writing the dirtiest joke ever told, and Charlie will do whatever he can to be that king.


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Thanks for the memories!




Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.


Below zero This joke alone is funnier than the entire movie. On this horrible movie you have same old jokes we heard million times before. Seriously, you better watch a random show on television. Watch a TV show you didn't have the time to watch, it will be better than this movie for sure.


Dirty Movie has no plot. No story. Absolutely none! You think I'm joking? Speaking of joking, get used to that, if you decide to watch this waste of film...you're going to hear a bunch of jokes. That's it! That's your movie. No twists, no turns, no story, no plot. Sound like a good movie? Have at it, I hope you enjoy it more then I did. Don't say you weren't warned. The problem with the jokes is that they're already on the internet, there's nothing original about them, except for the fact that they're in skit form, since this IS suppose to be a movie. I don't even think this even deserves to be called a movie, movies have story and plot...sometimes even a little bit of soul. And what in the world happened to National Lampoon, this used to be a great company, until the 90's came along, and screwed everything up for them. Was Christmas Vacation the last good thing to come out of them? I would have to say so! Dirty Movie is just that...a dirty movie with loads of dirty jokes that need to be taken to the laundry. Actually, just throw them away, they don't deserve to be washed. And if you watch this, let the kids go to bed first, trust me, you don't want these jokes being told on an elementary school playground ( They probably are already, because of the Internet, but at least you're not increasing the chances) Have a great time watching Dirty Movie! Time to go dunk my head in the toilet bowl!


What a piece of DUSTBIN!I too watched this all the way thru, basically because i admire Chris Meloni and thought-foolishly -that there would be some point emerge by the end. More fool me!I wonder about Chris Meloni's involvement. After all those years on SVU and also OZ. I found myself wondering about the child actor involved in this trash. Where do they find these kids that say such foul language- does anybody care about the long term effects?I prefer the kids in The Narnia chronicles. IT did not bring a smile or a chuckle to my face. The nudity is all female and one wonders about the exploitation of women. Don't waste your time-there is NOTHING worth while about this piece of trash.Last night I was working out and this came on again, forgetting how bad I had found it from my previous viewing I continued to watch it for a while. God's it is SO BAD! I now notice that the talented Chris Meloni was a Co- Director, obviously his talents do not lie with choosing material. So he has no one to blame but himself. At least he has the sense to make himself look unrecognizable, but then one wants to ask "Why did you make this movie and then add insult to injury by not even looking like yourself?" When one considers his sterling work in OZ and Law & Order SUV, one wonders why he would include scenes with a young boy-one would assume not even the bearer of pubic hair and have this child discuss wanting to get "laid" and other sleazy lines. If I lured a child into my home and spoke such trash with him, I would probably end up on the sex offender's listIf I was Chris Meloni, I would view this film as a HUGE MISTAKE and Embarressment. FOR SHAME!


You know how there are movies that seem to be good ideas on paper but turn out lousy, and those movies you wonder how in God's Green Earth became green-lit to get made, this movie is both. Based along the lines of "Kentucky Fired Movie," "Dirty Movie" is nothing but a string of obscene and demented characters acting out the dirty jokes your acid-baked dumb-ass former friends used to tell in school. Basically "The Benny Hill Show" on acid, except without the humor, clever one-liners or the witty repartee, the movie is a string of obscene material and tasteless dialogue interspersed with scenes of an extremely low-budget film company trying to make a movie with nothing but jokes which get worse and even more controversial as it continues. It doesn't push the envelope; it ignores it completely. The movie fails to realize the difference between dirty jokes and offensive jokes; dirty jokes are basically humor directed at misunderstandings of human vices and stigmas, such as drinking and sex. Offensive jokes are purposely based on ignorance and intolerance and directly aimed at religious, cultural and ethnic groups. The vignettes of the filmmaking crew are the only partially interesting thing about the film; especially as the creators debate between art and sensationalism. Christopher Meloni of "Law & Order" plays a typical despicable director, a man completely without morals, humanity or any redeeming human qualities, joined by Robert Klein as the equally emotionally-deficient producer and Cyndi Lauper as a mom in a few sketches. The only thing interesting about the fake sketches is that as they go on, it starts becoming noticeable that even they seem to share a loose storyline of characters with a male bartender playing straight man, a cute female bartender delivering lines to drunks, a psychotic young boy (Cyndi's boy), a demented and unprofessional physician, some stoned redneck farmers and a mad priest among others. The nudity is confined to more than a few bare breast shots; a few of the women are actually attractive (one particularly homely one turns out in the commentary to be a pseudo-famous female impersonator), but the movie is so focused on indecency and immorality that they're reduced to set dressing than plot points. Like I said, the only interesting parts of the movie are the internal debates on what constitutes obscene material and just what it is willing to do or not do, but most of the time, the movie just drags its feet across the line for no purpose at all but to be shocking. Ignore trying to be funny, the film wants to appall and disgust. (Worse yet, there are adolescent kids in some of the scenes.) Bottom line: the only people who might appreciate this film are stoners, drunks and immature college students.
