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The Green Inferno

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The Green Inferno (2013)

September. 08,2013
| Adventure Horror Thriller
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A group of student activists travel from New York City to the Amazon to save the rainforest. However, once they arrive in this vast green landscape, they soon discover that they are not alone… and that no good deed goes unpunished.


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One of my all time favorites.


A waste of 90 minutes of my life


It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.


This movie tries to be everything at once. Fails at everything besides being a very gory parody. Clearly inspired by Cannibal Holocaust and similar movies of the 80ties, instead of going for the shock value of trash movies it quickly turns into some kind of a cannibal theme parody. Most of the actors and extras were smiling time to time. The gore scenes were well made yet still their purpose was not to shock or disgust you, but rather to confuse you on how to feel. Seeing confused extras doing something they don't understand and looking into the camera... I guess Eli Roth finds these scenes funny or something, but not everyone has such a twisted mind to be able to enjoy gore for the sake of gore (or laughs).Story is pretty straightforward yet still has tons of plot holes. Cannibals, intelligent enough to understand planes, mobile phones and to breed pigs, still eat humans for some reason. And they make it look like everyday routine, kids having fun while eating human flesh...Again. Why?The ending just spits on your face. They clearly tried to steal the "who are the real monsters" message, but this surely doesn't work in a movie like this. Just makes the lead actress an asshole in the end, she learned nothing.It's not even good trash, it's confusing, stupid, overly long and kind of boring.


Ever since I saw "Cabin Fever," I always pictured Eli Roth to be a very odd duck. I myself am an odd duck but he has some rather interesting tastes when it comes to making movies, tastes that put mine to shame. From what I read about him, he does not like the sight of real blood but has no problems with fake blood. By itself, that part makes no sense. What kind of movie maker (particularly one who makes horror movies) can be so squeamish about the sight of real blood?Anyway, I digress. Going into this, I had no real high hopes for it. I just wanted to see what it was like and nothing more. True to form, it was typical Eli Roth, the king of shock value. When I watched this (it was late at night and I thanked God I had an empty stomach), it definitely grossed me out...and it takes a lot to do that, by the way. A group of college environmentalists take a plane ride into the jungle and end up being involved in a cliché plane crash that leaves a number dead and others injured after the fact. Those who survive then have to fight through the dangers of the jungle in order to survive and end up being on the wrong end of a cannibalistic tribe with all sorts of weapons and techniques at their disposal.There was never a moment in the movie where I didn't squirm in my chair...and, to repeat, I almost rarely do that. If Eli was trying to do an homage to the 1970's cannibal movies by making this filth, he failed miserably. In true survival horror movie fashion, only one of the survivors walks away and heads back to the real world, forever scarred by the horrors that she went through in the jungle.I have never truly been a fan of Eli Roth. I've seen "Aftershock," which is just as revolting. I've seen "Cabin Fever," which is decent enough for a few scares. Now there's "The Green Inferno," a nonsensical waste of time that should have never been made. There is a reason why those types of movies were made in that time: you were more likely to be scared during the 1970's than you are now, where you become more numb than anything. I wouldn't even recommend watching this on a bet, not even by yourself or with friends...that is, unless they're friends that you don't ever want to talk to ever again. Watch something else other than this. Your stomach and your friends may thank you.


From briefly scanning the internet, it appears that Eli Roth has more haters then fans nowadays. Although I remember when his debut Cabin Fever came out and myself and many others adored it. When Hostel came out it wasn't quite the fanfare as Cabin Fever, but I've grown to quite like it over the years. I think he doesn't take himself too seriously, he loves trolling his audience and he's a horror fans filmmaker, or at least he was.The hate for him has evolved into quite something over the years. I can see why, he seems like a self aggrandising narcissist at times. He's also not done anything of worth since Hostel (and a lot of people wouldn't even consider Hostel something of worth).I've still been a defender of Eli Roth, and I also believe his best work is coming. However, It pains me to say this, but I did not like The Green Inferno.In The Green Inferno, Eli Roth tries to recreate the brutality and excess of films like Cannibal Holocaust and Cannibal Ferox while also trying to skewer Social Justice Warriors. What he actually does, is make his messiest and most amateurish film. The film's message and premise are badly realised and the filmmaking often has the cheap feel of those horrors that reside only in the depths of Netflix.If you want bloodletting this will not disappoint. In fact, the excessive brutality and taboo pushing violence is where the film works. These sequences don't do much to save the film though.Maybe my expectations were too high, but I think the 'haters' were right about this one.


This shouldn't have been this bad. Eli Roth loves cannibal movies, and clearly set out to give the forgotten genre some big-budget loving care while paying homage to greats like Deodato and Lenzi. Well, obviously that didn't happen. After much effort. armed with an amazing special effects crew, great locations, and a bunch of absurdly terrible actors (not to mention a confused and confusing script), Roth wound up turning in possible the worst cannibal movie of them all.
