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Blade (1998)

August. 21,1998
| Horror Action

The Daywalker known as "Blade" - a half-vampire, half-mortal man - becomes the protector of humanity against an underground army of vampires.


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hyped garbage


Highly Overrated But Still Good


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

Cihan Pocan

A tragic story of a night club running young entrepreneur named Frost who is having socio-political conflicts with his traditionalist and short-sighted shareholders in the company which actually is an extremist occult organization previously invented immortality at an expanse of death risk under UV light when exposed and regularly being in need of consuming human blood. Frost has to eliminate his opponents and expand his propaganda using by myths and ancient texts (even he is a modernist sort of guy...) to resurrect some kind of vampireocalytic event and yet he needs his arch enemy, Blade alive to complete his political agenda. An amazing all time classic, action pumped blood-splatter motion picture, nice romantic side story with a mother-a-like character insertion to the text, fulfilling narrative of two honest guy with the same heart but the different M.O.: "cleaning the scums of the earth"


"Blade" set a new standard as being, in my opinion, the first good Marvel movie. Twenty years and more than twenty newer Marvel films later, it still holds up brilliantly. It's become dated in many regards, but managed to have smarmy one-liners, over-the-top choreography and late '90's aesthetics blend so seamlessly in tone with the antiquated effects that it in no way effects the score. Rather, it has simply shifted genre from hardcore martial arts feature to a grindhouse/exploitation style action extravaganza that never fails to put a smile on your face. Spot-on casting, gory fight-scenes and a fearless originality leave "Blade" near the top of my Superhero list for the past two decades and likely many years to come. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for the sequels.


Now there are many vampire shows out there with a lot of great action but we have to remember where it all started back in the nineties with movies like John Carpenter's Vampires and the Blade series starring Wesley Snipes.You don't hear much about Wesley Snipes any more but back then he was a very big star in a lot of action movies and this is probably his best work.He plays a half human half vampire who has a lot of the powers vampires do but without the problem of being killed by sunlight, etc. He has a partner (Kris Kristofferson) who helps him hunt and kill evil vampires using a combination of specially designed firearms and Snipes uses swords and martial arts.The result is a lot of great action sequences, some funny one liners and a surprisingly good story. What more could you want in a fun action movie?


Vampires are living amongst us with the collaboration of those in power; they manage to keep a low profile though… that is until upstart vampire, Deacon Frost, decides that the old order needs to be overthrown. Standing against the vampires is Blade, the 'Day Walker', a half vampire who has none of the usual vampire weaknesses and, with the help of a serum, can control his lust for blood. Other senior vampires look down on Frost because he was turned rather than born a vampire but unlike them he is interested in the past and has deciphered ancient text with tell how to summon the Blood God… to do it he will require Blade's blood.Early on Blade rescues a doctor. Karen, who has been bitten and takes her back to his base where, with the help of his friend Whistler, they attempt to cure her. Once treated she tries to help him find a cure as well as working to make more effective weapons to battle the vampires. After many fights with Frost's underlings the final confrontation and the ceremony take place… inevitably it will be fairly bloody.I haven't read any of the comics that inspired the film so can't say how close this is… I can however say that this is an exciting take on vampire films. Gone are the usual crosses and holy water; instead we get swords and silver stakes and bullets. While there are plenty of horror elements it is effectively an action film with lots of shooting and martial arts action. Wesley Snipes is great in the title role as he makes the action look real rather than excessively choreographed. Stephen Dorff is menacing enough as bad guy Frost; it helps that the character is an intelligent villain rather than an obviously matched evil version of Blade. N'Bushe Wright is likable as Karen, Kris Kristofferson is solid enough as Whistler and Donal Logue provides some needed levity as a vampire who keeps getting an arm hacked off. The action scenes are pretty intense and at times quite bloody. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of Snipes, vampire films or exciting action.
