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Colin (2008)

November. 15,2008
| Horror Action

Our hero Colin is bitten by a zombie; he dies and returns from the dead. We follow him as he wanders through suburbia during the throes of a cadaverous apocalypse.


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Thanks for the memories!


So much average


A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.


One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.


Like many films in the genre, this has a good idea for a new addition to the genre, but over stretches it with padding. As a short his would have been a good idea - a zombies view of the apocalypse - but it adds too much so the originality is overwhelmed by the sub standard, standard fare.


If you are going to watch this movie don't expect too much. I'm not sure if it's an independent film but if it is they did a very good job. I could see them getting a job really quick (not like Saw or Paranormal Activity). If you are running out of zombie movies to watch (like me, a huge fan) then this one I recommend. In this case we follow the Zombie around. I would say it's on the same level as "Warm Bodies" without the high production value or corniness. This movie is serious and really just shows the day to day actions of what our undead friends see or do (they are zombies I already mentioned not to expect much). I gave it a 6 because for one I didn't dislike it that would give it at least a 5 and and the acting was not poor like the first "Saw" even though there wasn't much living human involvement. It was Just Okay, Made Sense, and he was not treated like the "typical shoot in the head that zombie's dead" (I should get that copy written). I won't tell you what it is but it's not a big surprise.


After twenty minutes i had a headache from the Shaky Cam and couldn't watch much more, Sadly while i admire the fact that this got out there being a very low budget film, i cant help thinking that I know people who have been making much better films than this for there own enjoyment for years...Mr. H you know which i mean! I don't know if it gets better as after 28 minutes I thought Bugger this for a lark and switched it off.Give me Bub (from Day of the Dead, Romero, 1985) over Colin any day!.It leaves me asking how did it get a release let alone the good reviews posted on here.As with all my reviews it is my opinion so if your interested try it just don't come to me asking for a refund!


If I could go lower than a 1, I would. This movie has absolutely no point. It's so awful. My friends and I watched this movie for an hour- way longer than we should have- expecting something to happen, but absolutely nothing happened.Do not waste your time and your money to watch this movie. It's literally a camera following a zombie while it walks around town and someone occasionally gets eaten.We tried to figure out the plot but the film gives you no information about anything. The only reason I know his name was Colin is from the name of the movie.
