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The Sky Has Fallen

The Sky Has Fallen (2009)

May. 06,2009
| Drama Horror Action

Within a couple of hours, a new disease wipes out almost all of mankind. Trying to avoid infection, people flee to remote locations, but they start seeing mysterious black figures, carrying away the dead and experimenting on them. Now, Lance and Rachel, two survivors determined to fight back, must kill the leader of these creatures before the rest of humanity disappears


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Let's be realistic.


An Exercise In Nonsense


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.


Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

Mark Ritsen

I'll be honest. I didn't think this would be good *at all* especially after reading some reviews on here but boy was I wrong. The effects are amazing and the zombies are downright disturbing. I can see how the acting would annoy some but you always get a lot of flashbacks to keep it interesting and those black figures... creepy stuff.Looks like there are multiple versions out there, which must be why some people are trashing it. I saw the so-called "Ultimate Cut" and it was pretty gnarly. This one tall creature has a belt of human heads and you get to see him add more to his collection. That's awesome.Bottom line: if you like horror, you'll like this.

Michael Riley

I was suggested this movie by its director. Initially, I wanted to view this for a full-fledged review for a pop culture website, but unfortunately did not have the time. However, I have watched the movie, and I've given it a rating of 9/10. With so many movies resorting to CGI as a crutch (not all movies, mind you; movies where effects could be done practically), it is particularly refreshing to see a movie where the effects in it are entirely practical.The movie is not perfect by any means, but it gets right what it needed to get right. With a bigger budget, this could be a horror movie classic in the making or possibly a sleeper hit. Very happy to see a horror movie that doesn't fall into the old tired zombie/vampire shtick and incorporates elements of different kinds of horror. I highly recommend checking this one out.


The reviews for this film are all over the place.This was a low-to-no budget indie horror film. Where it doesn't show is in the effects and the score. Both of which are excellent. The audio and visual effects people get a gold star.The concept of the film is interesting, though it never really pans out. I was left wanting to know more.The camera-work -- really, the editing, is less than desirable. Mostly the quick cuts to and fro. As another reviewer mentioned, the effects are fantastic, but you only see a few moments before cut-cut-pan-cut.The writing was good. The acting was acceptable. Some scenes were better than others. A few over-acting moments, and some with not enough depth and emotion. But who are we kidding? The same could be said about Kristen Stewart.A solid 5, and a great effort from all involved.


This is not a 6.3 This wouldn't even get a 3. Apart from the fact that i was bored to death within the first 10 minutes, the characters did not appeal one little bit.She was bland and he was so self absorbed in philosophical BS coupled with ridiculous "black creatures" i nearly wanted to vomit.Suffice to say this is not a movie i will be returning to watch anytime in the near future.Even if it was the last DVD on the planet, i would use it as a coffee coaster instead.The 6.3 and the two other reviews, i believe, have been made by people either directly involved in this film or people who have no taste in films.I can't believe i was fooled into thinking this might be an OK film.I now know why there isn't a trailer for this on IMDb.If there was people would be warned before viewing it.I'm so angry with myself now.Bugger it, i was going to give this a 3 but in a fit of anger i'm giving it a 1.
