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Marshall (2017)

October. 13,2017
| Drama

Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice, battles through one of his career-defining cases.


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This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place


Excellent, Without a doubt!!


As Good As It Gets


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.


I really feel like I should give this a 10 instead of a 9. I personally can't think of anything wrong with it, except I rarely give 10s, and this is not Citizen Kane nor the Godfather. However, this a true story (okay, I didn't Google it to see how accurate it is), and an inspirational one. I'm not a reviewer who needs to recap the plot, the action, the performances, though each actor was great... well, the prosecution were maybe a little cliche and James Cromwell was kind of a dick, but ... you know ... in those days, I can't say the real people weren't. And probably Mr. Marshall was played a little more lofty and infallible than he was in real life. Or maybe not. What a hero. So I'll just say that if you're an American (or anyone) with a soul and a conscience, you'll probably really enjoy this film. I did.


Thurgood Marshall was a legendary lawyer who became the first black judge in the US Supreme Court.Their is a good film to be made about his life, this is not it.Marshall focuses in one attempted murder case that he was involved in back in 1941 when he was a lawyer for the NAACP.It really is a modern version of To Kill a Mockingbird. A black man Joseph Spell is accused of raping a respectable married white woman who employed him. Spell then threw her off a bridge and left her to die.Marshall comes to Connecticut and teams up with a reluctant Jewish insurance lawyer Sam Friedman because the judge would not allow Marshall to be lead counsel.It is an effective courtroom drama, especially as Friedman is an inexperienced criminal lawyer who slowly discovers that there is more to law than insurance litigation.Chadwick Boseman shines as Marshall but there is nothing groundbreaking here as Marshall leads Friedman into the nuances of criminal litigation.


This crap don't qualify for a B movie. Marshall what? What insignificant case is this. Does not tell bull about Marshall. This movies like many only got good ratings because? You all know why don't you? We so sorry for segregation aight? Yes we are AH AH not for REAL just in movies.


I can give this movie nothing more than a 5 out of 10. Marshall is a fairly average movie all around. I was expecting a serious toned well made movie telling me something about a future Supreme Court Justice. Instead, I got a lackluster average courtroom drama. The acting is average and the characters are almost cartoon-ish. Had this movie been made in the early 1990's I may have been able to give it a 6, because that is what it feels like. A tired early 1990's courtroom drama. To see people rating this movie a 8, or 9 destroys my faith in humanity as a whole, this was not a great, spectacular movie that will make you think, it's a lazy boring sunday, "because there is nothing on," movie. It isn't awful just dated. With this being Thurgood Marshall, I was expecting something much more. I was expecting to see something better along the lines of great movies like "A Time to Kill," or something like that. This fell flat by a margin I seriously could not imagine. The dialog is pretty much a caricature that probably was written over the course of a weekend. It's a waste of a good story that could have been great had the film makers taken their time to make it so. As it is, this was likely just greenlighted because of the Marshall name, figuring they could squeeze a few bucks out to make some other flat movie in the future. Again, a 5 out of 10. Not a horrible movie, just average in so many ways that it fails to even live up to the ratings people have so far given it. I don't know if they are just biased in favor of the great man portrayed, but the movie itself is not the 7.1 out of 10 people are giving it at the time of this review.
