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The Brady Bunch Movie

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The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)

February. 17,1995
| Comedy Family
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The original '70s TV family is now placed in the 1990s, where they're even more square and out of place than ever.


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Excellent, Without a doubt!!


Brilliant and touching


Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

Ersbel Oraph

Dull, slow comedy about gender roles, but not in the sense of making fun of the roles, only in reinforcing them. Realism in not the strong point, more like the romantic nonsense of mass produced comics. The end result is quite simple: if you have grown up with this and want some more from the same old, than you're the only audience the production team planned for.Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch


If your tastes run toward the perverse and twisted, this lewd retread of a squeaky clean wholesome American sit-com will have many gut laughing. I'm no prude and enjoy blue humor as much as anyone, but the writers of this film just made the blue humor creepy instead of cleaver. It was like they made scenes off color just for the sake of besmirching the memory of the albeit corny-cleanness of the original TV series. If Sherwood Schwartz hadn't protested, there probably would have been a scene suggesting Greg and his mom were entangled in an incestuous tryst. Or that Mike (dad) was cruising public restrooms for gay glory holes. A retrospective "Thank You" to Sherwood. Even when Hollywood said you were dead (getting their wires crossed when Bob "Gilligan" Denver passed), you were faithful to the things you created, and I admire that. Some things just shouldn't be sold out.


I kept seeing clips of this movie from tumblr and I thought they were pretty hilarious so I thought I would check out the movie. I have no knowledge of the TV series, nor would I be interested in it but despite not knowing the show, the movie is awesome, kinda. Of course, there are some problems, 1. it's dated, 2. the acting is terrible 3. some of the characters are really dull 4. the plot is so thin and predictable 5. some of the subplots are really stupid. The whole subplot of where the younger sister is always being a nark, it gets kind of old...okay, so there are a lot of problems but I enjoyed it. The best parts of the whole movie is with Jan; her reaction with the voices in side her head and always against Marsha...it's definitely interesting to watch. sadly, Jan maybe the only related character; outcast with sibling rivalry dealing with her insecurities. The other characters are just too...out there...If you're bored and looking for something that will have your attention, this is a movie to watch. It has some goods parts that are worth viewing.


I was tooling through the Las Angeles area when a voice comes over the c.b. 'Breadk 1 - 9,this is Christmas Carol. Im looking for a blue eyed blond by the name of Jan. Tell her mama bear and papa bear loves her." that's when the chatter started on channel 21. Someone says Jan ran off with her boyfriend Tyrone. Someone else says an alien named Pedro abducted her. Some one calls Art Bell and said Bigfoot abducted Jan because they needed breeding stock. Then Schultze came over the squak and says,"Christmas Carol,i got a 20 on a blue eyed gal named Jan. I dropped her off at Clinton Place." I was wondering why Schultzee took Jan all the way to the White house.This is a funny movie. Well wrighten,directed and acted. Well Done!!!Ann B Davis drives the Freightliner big rig.Ann B Davis is a permanent A list actor!!!Shelley Long, Christine Taytor, Jennifer Cox, Harretta Mantel,Florence Henderswon,Jean Smart,Beverly Archer,Yolanda Snowball,Ann b Davis, Elisa GHabrielli and the cougars worshiping Davy Jones at the prom are hot!!Olivia hacks' performance is outstanding!!---One Truck Drivers' Opinion---erldwgstruckermovies.com
