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The Ten

The Ten (2007)

August. 03,2007
| Comedy

Ten stories, each inspired by one of the ten commandments.


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I love this movie so much


This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


Too bad I could only give this flick a 9. It could have been a 10; but there were a two somewhat lame stories, and the first episode is only so-so. But he rest were brilliant. This comedy doesn't do anything that hasn't been done before. It's very much in the vein of the earlier, zanier Woody Allen films like "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex," and many of the better Zucker/Abrahams stuff, like "Top Secret" or "Airplane." Which is to say, the main humor comes from parodying movie genres, film techniques, and tired romantic plots. It's a pure delight to see these things yanked apart and roasted to well done.What's particularly nice about "The Ten", though is its excellent cast who, with inspired direction and writing, can get deep into the material they are satirizing. The clever way the stories get (loosely) tied together is also nice.Using the ten commandments as a frame, is a very tenuous hook. Though the frame itself, with its narrator adds something to the mix--a sort of story around the stories, so to speak. But don't expect any religious commentary or even irreverence. (Well, maybe a little irreverence. Jesus Christ as a Mexican lothario might be somewhat--no make that very--offensive to some people. Indeed I suspect the low ratings here on IMDb come mostly from people so tied to their sacred cows, be they philosophical or aesthetic, that all they can see is the crudeness that sometimes surrounds the humor, and don't get any of the sophisticated irony.) In the end, then, the link to any specific commandment is more a quick throwaway line than anything structural or moralistic. Which is part of the strength here: there is no attempt to delve into the commandment itself; it's just a convenient tag line, really.This, then, is comedy strictly for film buffs--people who recognize a convention and the wit with which that convention is being skewered. In my opinion, there are just not enough movies of that kind around; and some of what we do have is pretty lame. ZAZ, for example have low production values. this film, can actually parody not just a plot or character convention, but a stylistic one as well.Try it; if you have an critical faculty, you'll see what I mean.


My intentions are only of concern and correction for the author and creator as well as everyone involved with the movie. I am sad to say that this movie encourages sin rather than The 10 commandments. The Use of profanity and sexual content instead breaks the Law of God which is Love and God is Love, read in 1 John. There is much scripture in the bible including these commandments that back this up. Like 2 Timothy 2:16 "But avoid irrelevant babble, for it will lead people into more unrighteousness". Or Ephasians 5:4, "Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk Nor crude joking which is out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving."I say this not to condemn you but to stand up for The Word who is God and to state the truth. This misrepresentation of God -The Word and The Law, is wrong and hurtful to God. It hurts not only God but yourselves and others including children whom God Loves. You are being hypocrites for this movie. Please know I am say this only out of kindness and correction. I pray that you may accept and recognize your sin. I pray that God blesses you with a repentive heart and leads you to confession. I pray that you see this as God's grace who is Christ Jesus. Who's will is to give a chance to be forgiven and help you repent. I pray that by His grace you are saved and He may show you a different way to represent Him with creativity and his humor, which he has done for me. Know that this is not my opinion but The truth, which I have learned and now know because of Jesus Christ our God. I also pray that Jesus rebukes this movie and crushes it. Crushes this representation of sin, the enemy. May God Bless You all In Jesus's name, Amen.

Jennifer Adams

This movie is hilarious! The humor is startling and original. Every time I watch it I always wonder if Dianne Weist has seen it. And if so what goes she think of it? Hope she is a fan :) This is the kind of movie you have to watch more than once because you will laugh to hard to pick everything up the first time. And every time that you watch it you will see something new.Paul Rudd is fantastic in it, as usual. There are a lot of other smaller parts that are great too. There are way too many genius quotes to put on here but one that I do love is when Paul Rudd says "Lets do this, Lets screw this". The Ten is definitely a ten


i started watching this movie not knowing what to expect and not knowing who starred in it. i started seeing a few actors i knew and said, hmm this movie is prob gonna be pretty good. halfway through i was thinking...wow, they sure found good look-alikes because the real actors woulda never done this movie. finally it ended and my 1st reaction was "i don't get it". the credits rolled and to my surprise, yes the real actors were the ones i saw, not look-alikes.my god this movie is the worst movie I've seen in at least 10 years, 20 possibly, and could be the worst I've ever seen in my life. i just kept waiting for it to "get good" and it never did. i thought maybe it would be like some movies that seem bad till the last 5 min and then you say "oh i get it, yea that was pretty good". nope, sorry to say it just reeks from start to finish. do yourself a favor and don't waste 2 hrs of your life on this. you may never view some of the stars in the same way again...what were they and their agents thinking? i wonder if they tried to answer the question "what is the maximum number of stars you can put into a movie that still sucks?" just pitiful.i went through some of the comments that raved for this movie just to see why they liked it. i read phrases like "i couldn't stop laughing" or "funniest movie ever" and "only intelligent people will like this". well i decided to edit the last part of my review with some spoiler to see if you'd think it was so great.spoiler starts here:in 1 scene, winona ryder becomes so "in love" with a ventriloquist doll that she steals it...has a torrid love affair and has several sexual encounters with it....A VENTRILOQUIST DOLL! funny? you decide.in another 2 neighbors covet each others things so much that when 1 guy buys a medical ct scanner, the other does too. they 1 up each other till they finally own like 30 of them each, their families move out because of this. finally a group of kids get radiation poisoning from a power plant and the only way to save them is by getting all 75 of them into ct scanners in the next 30 min(supposedly a miracle cure is a scan). anyway, this happens at the 1 moment when the 2 neighbors decide to go out for a beer together to make up and aren't home. they watch on the news as they see 75 kids die on their front lawn because they cant get inside to get scanned...end of clip. wow, thats pretty hilarious right? you decide.those are just 2 of the many wonderful skits in this movie. if you thought those 2 were good, you'll love the rest. if you however are like me in thinking "why on earth would that be funny" then please stay away from this movie for your own good.
