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Shelter (2014)

September. 12,2014
| Drama
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Hannah and Tahir fall in love while homeless on the streets of New York. Shelter explores how they got there, and as we learn about their pasts we realize they need each other to build a future.


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Film Perfection



Aiden Melton

The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

Alan C

I cannot believe I am writing a review as I never do. This is a gut and heart wrenching movie. I am sitting in silence and almost in shock. Incredible story of life on the street for this unlikely couple that might never have met under other circumstances. An important movie for our times. Gives a great understanding of the perils of living on the street. Watch it!


Paul Bettany directs his wife Jennifer Connelly and Anthony Mackie, alongside a supporting cast featuring Rob Morgan, Amy Hargreaves, and Bruce Altman. The acting i thought was superb and it shows that true love can be found everywhere even when you live on the streets and you're a hobo. Connelly is a drug addict she has a family, she lost someone and Mackie's character also has a troubled past that is why i loved this film the direction was amazing Bettany throws things about their past in every scene and it feels so powerful and you feel something about the 2 leads that wins you over and this film totally won me over.


I didn't know what to expect from the short summary, but I love Anthony Mackie so I watched. I was mesmerized from beginning to end at the intimate view of homelessness, the sense of being invisible and unworthy was palpable. The love story between the main characters seemed a little forced at the beginning, but midway through their chemistry was obvious. They want to save each other. It was beautiful, sad and haunting. Anthony Mackie's portrayal of the Nigerian refugee struggling to overcome his past losses was heart wrenching. Jennifer Connelly's portrayal of a heroin addict is an unsympathetic role and she does a great job being an awful person. Their connection seems very slight at first; the evolution of their relationship seemed very dependent on both of their losses.


I have no words for this beautiful and unexpected piece of gem...i watched it and not sure what is all about ...but after watching it i was speechless....great topic and sure an eye opening subject ...Jennifer Connelly and Anthony Mackie did a well job with their role...and i am surprised why its not well rated.i don't know why the junk movies are well rated that the producers are making and remaking it again and again...Paul Bettany is clearly sending a message with his debut direction and writing ..that he can do something with a topic that no other famous directors even bother to see.. its a powerful drama and worth watching... i think it deserve more than the average stars ...Go see it with your heart ...i am sure you will not regret it..
