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Room (2015)

October. 16,2015
| Drama Thriller
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Held captive for 7 years in an enclosed space, a woman and her young son finally gain their freedom, allowing the boy to experience the outside world for the first time.


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Good story, Not enough for a whole film


Awesome Movie

Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...


I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.


The synopsis doesn't give much about the movie, so I watched the story as it happens. The more I understand what's happening, the more emotions flows. This is a several acts play, and each act is very powerful. Human beings in a harsh world. I often shed a tear during a movie, but this is the first time that it keeps going for a long time after the movie ended.


Room isn't a very good movie. The first time I heard of it, I thought they were remaking Tommy Wiseau's classic "The Room". It's too bad that's not what ended up happening, because that would've actually been kind of interesting.The movie starts off okay with a setting no movie has ever had before: the inside of a tiny shed. In this shed lives an annoyed lady and her extremely irritating son with really long hair. The lady hates the shed, but the boy is like "nah, it's cool." The lady complains that the shed is small and stinky, to which the boy argues "it doesn't stink! Only when you fart!" (Wow, what great dialogue...) The annoyed lady and the dumb boy are the captives of a really stupid guy who looks like a real-life version of Ned Flanders. Like, seriously, this guy is one of the least intimidating antagonists I've seen in any piece of media ever. You expect me to believe THIS guy abducted somebody? He looks like he couldn't abduct a ham sandwich! Anyway, through an absolutely ridiculous escape plan, the boy and his mom are rescued and Ned Flanders is sent to the slammer. That sounds like a good end to the story, right? Through the power of love, the daring mother and son overcome their miserable situation, and though this experience has traumatized them, they're now safe from the Ned Flanders lookalike. Love conquers all, good triumphs over evil, yadda yadda yadda. But then, I checked the running time, and there's still another HOUR left! Like...what? You got out of the shed. What left is there? You got out! The movie is called "Room", and you left the room! Why is the movie still going? Why didn't you just end it there? Why?! The rest of the movie, where the mom and kid are NOT in Room and are now trying to cope with the outside world is just a cliché, boring drama where people yell at each other and get mildly annoyed with each other over the stupidest things. It's so melodramatic and cheesy I felt I was watching a soap opera. A BAD soap opera. At the very end of the movie, they go back to the shed. For some reason. Yeah, go back to the place you suffered for years. Bring back all the suppresed memories and trauma. That's a great idea. The boy then says goodbye to Room (as if it would say "hey, see you later, bro" back to him...), and the mom mouths it because it's so much more artsy to have dialogue be inaudible than to actually hear it. Roll credits. The best word to describe this movie is "annoying". It's such an unpleasant experience to sit through, be it intentional or not. The worst part of this movie is probably the boy, who is one of the most grating characters I've ever seen in my life. Aside from the way he talks like an alien, which I know is intentional but that doesn't make it any less annoying, he's always screaming! There's this one really annoying but thankfully short scene where the kid and his mom are just yelling at the top of their lungs, to hopefully get someone's attention so they can be freed, and the kid is yelling so loudly it actually made my ears hurt. Thanks, Room. Thanks for causing me physical pain. You jerk.The dialogue sucks (again, that "only when you fart!" line), the music is bland and forgettable, and the movie just lacks any style or depth. Everything is straight forward, and I know it's based on a book, but there are barely any attempts at visual storytelling. It's just a dry, lifeless movie. Kinda like The Village, but not AS bad or stupid. Overall, I got nothing from this movie. I didn't feel anything, I didn't learn anything, and I just didn't care about anything. It just felt like a huge waste of time. If the mom did the sensible thing and stab her captor in the face (with the knife she is somehow allowed to keep in the room) the second he stepped in the room, this movie would be like 20 minutes long and infinitely more interesting. Oh, well. Boring melodramas are what are all the rage with audiences, I guess.Goodbye, Room.


I came across this movie because of the picture it had on Netflix, decided to give it five minutes to see if it were another typical hour long movie with no real conclusion but Room did not disappoint. Every minute in this movie is so precious, the aftermath of getting rescued ties it all in and it's not only downhill from there but a whirlwind of emotions.


I don't know if it was what I was smoking when I watched this, but I never want to sit through it again. I'm no seasoned movie critic, but I've got something to say. I immediately picked up on Brie's painfully unconvincing performance. The next thing I noticed was the terrible, soulless child actor who managed to be irritating and unlikable throughout. It felt as if the mother character was supposed to exhibit the pain and torment of both a captive prisoner and the mother from The Babadook, in which both were pulled off horribly. Looking up the movie brings up that its genre is Drama/Thriller, but I honestly could not pick up what this movie was supposed to make me feel. The man holding them captive is not intimidating whatsoever, he poses no threat and does not make me feel scared when the mother and son start taking risks. The tone changes constantly when your child actor cannot emote, stop screaming, or repeating themselves. Compared to decent child actors, the choice here doesn't feel intentional, as if the kid was mentally damaged from living in a shed. It felt like a lazy choice and I didn't care in the end if he survived honestly. The movie did not make me feel any sympathy for him. The kid totally breaks the pacing multiple times, ruining any form of suspense or thrill. He will say something stupid and unrelated, yell, etc. while another character is trying their best to perform. I know he is supposed to be an irritating kid, but I can't help but feel like he could've been done better. His monotone voiceovers come off as cheesy and uninspired, too. Total bore.The worst part? Nothing happens. It's damn boring. Events just kind of happen one after the other - I can barely tell when each act starts and the resolution just felt too.. easy? Simply getting out a-okay from the shed after having to vomit on her son didn't feel like a nice payoff. And the movie just keeps going - never ends. I hope I never have to sit through this again thank you Hanni for making watch this boring, loud, overrated movie. I see a gold film in here, but as of now I cannot fathom how this got any awards. The whole thing felt almost laughably bad if it wasn't for the lack of literally anything happening at all.
