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Search results for A Quiet Place

A Time & Place
Brian is an old rocker from the 80s, who, after a very tragic incident, felt he had to leave his band and family behind, to live alone, off the grid in a purgatory of his own making. Twenty years later, his son comes back into his life, as they try to make amends after so long apart.
A Deadly Place
A woman returns home after her fathers death only to be reunited with friends of the family who behold secrets about her past that she will come to face in deadly measures.
A City Under Quiet Lights
A film by Myles O'Reilly documenting some of the beautiful music brought to Cork for the Quiet Lights Folk Festival.
A Better Place
An in depth look at the toxic legacy of British colonial-era laws, which criminalise consensual same-sex love, while at the same time allowing perpetrators of sexual violence to go unpunished. More than 70 countries still criminalise gay sex. In over 30, rape within marriage is still legal. Behind these statistics are the people whose lives are paralysed by these archaic laws.
A Name and A Place
One of Switzerland’s most prominent contemporary artists, Renée Levi has opened two exhibitions and made a public art installation in September 2022, in Istanbul. Levi was born in Istanbul in 1960 and moved to Switzerland when she was 6. To her, this city has come to mean her childhood and the homeland of her parents. Especially in the last decade Levi proved prolific with her institutional exhibitions in France, Germany and Italy, and she was particularly praised for her exceptional public art projects in Switzerland. All throughout her oeuvre, Levi has come to emphasise her city of birth and her Sephardic heritage. One of the rare leading woman figures in abstract expressionism, she is also known for her way of naming each and every one of her works after a woman’s name.
A Place Without Fear
Through a nonlinear, abstract and surreal form of storytelling, this film follows a protagonist through a labyrinth of physical and emotional situations, set in a house which acts as both the set for the story and a metaphor for the mind. The techniques used in the film are a mix of analogue and digital: actual painting in the house, digital rendering and avatars, stop-motion painting, drawing, and collaging, with the majority created in Detroit and subsequent scenes finalised in London. With an original score by Susanne Deeken in collaboration with experimental and jazz musicians from Detroit.
A Stone Place
A Stone Place is a visual journey showcasing a unique rock that is quarried on the side of the biggest cliffs in Europe, and that has created the aesthetic of a small rural town in the West of Ireland.
A Place Called Wahala
Every year the War Cemetery Memorial of Wahala in the former German colony of Togo (West Africa) hosts the 11th November Remembrance Day Ceremony in memory of the African colonial soldiers who died here in August 1914. But Wahala's history and its name point to another painful past. In 1903 the German colonial administration set up a "correctional settlement" by the Chra river where people considered to be an obstacle to colonial order were obliged to live. Wahala: a place where the voice of the ancients resonates with present day pictures.
Once Upon A Place
"Once Upon a Place" is the story of "La Nacional," a nondescript building in New York City that welcomed thousands of immigrants to the United States over its 150-year history. Its striking story is the story of the ebb and tide of Spanish immigration to this country; of the rise and fall of New York City as home to the American Dream, and the tale of hundreds of lives touched by the possibility of a new life. Yet that story of immigrants to America, so relevant today, remains a mystery to most New Yorkers and Americans.