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Dead Man's Bounty

Dead Man's Bounty (2006)

September. 12,2006
| Action Western Thriller

A mysterious loner (Karel Roden) rides into a small town carrying the body of a sought-after outlaw (Val Kilmer is the corpse). But after he gambles his bounty away in a card game with the sheriff (Boguslaw Linda), he must devise a scheme to reclaim the dead man. Katarzyna Figura co-stars as a tough barmaid in Polish writer-director Piotr Uklanski's inventive and bloody Western, which both spoofs and pays tribute to the spaghetti Western genre.


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Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


Many of the scenes in this movie are visually quite stunning and it is worth seeing simply for the scenes. It is as if the movie originated as a set of excellent still photographs that were allowed to slowly blossom to life. The camera work is of course excellent. I could see filling an art gallery with stills from this movie. I could see hanging stills from this movie in my home and enjoying them every day.The accents were of little significance to me (I thought they were German). There were many immigrants of Germanic and Eastern European descent in America. It was more noticeable that _everyone_ except Kilmer seemed to be German.This movie had one of the most explicit descriptions of sex that I've ever heard as the female bartender described to a potential lover how he would make love to her in exquisite detail. It was quite torrid! It was as if I were watching a movie made by a cinematic Cormac McCarthy, akin to "Blood Meridian", but the images, although striking, were not quite the standard archetypes of Western literature and so it fell somewhat short. I believe this director is one to watch in the future because he is very, very close to doing with cinema what McCarthy does with literature. And if he does that then it will be a tremendous breakthrough, because so far McCarthy's stuff hasn't quite translated fully to the screen (or perhaps the translator hasn't been found yet).If I were Cormac McCarthy and I wanted a director and camera person to do "Blood Meridian" or others novels in film, I would want it done by the people who made this movie.


I saw this movie in 2006 @ the AIFF (Athens International Film Festival) and had really great time watching it. It's not a regular western movie, and like this it should be treated. I would definitely put it in the same category like Grindhouse (Planet Terror & Death Proof). Acting is great(the Polish accent in the English language is just a marvelous idea) and Val Kilmer plays an ultimate role in the movie. The Director has some pretty cool ideas ("tomato" vision of the dead), scenery is epic and in general you have simple and cool elements like the ones you see in movies of this genre. Generally it is a good effort of the independent cinema. The movie is great for people that have an eye for the irregular. 8/10 *


Dead Man's Bounty (the film's American title) has the look and feel of a classic Italian western. The cinematography, costumes, and sets look great. The cast is rugged, not a pretty face among them. At the beginning I was preparing for a pretty cool movie but what I eventually witnessed was an absolute disaster.The script was perfectly dreadful. There was no suspense whatsoever and very little action or worthwhile drama.Despite looking great, the cast spoke (English) with heavy European accents that were often unintelligible.The final nail in it's coffin was the broad streak of pretentiousness that taints most of the picture, focusing heavily on the character of the barmaid who's featured in a couple of very awkward sex scenes. Also her speech near the end was repugnant!The only novelty comes from the stunt casting of Val Kilmer in the role of the dead man, continuing his recent string of DOA performances!


The only reason I rented this movie was that Val Kilmer rarely stars in a bad movie. There is of course a first time for everything. In many ways, this movie proves that oaters aren't as easy to make as we think, especially by foreign directors. The only one who got by with it was probably Sergio Leone, but even his movies lacked that something indefinably innate to our American psyche and panache. American actors in Clint Eastwood and Henry Fonda did help . I can see now why they changed the original title from "Summer Love" to " Dead Man's Bounty". That itself tells me the producers and director didn't have any core understanding about a western other than those standard shoot'em up scenes and violent themes. I suppose we can say the same about American directors attempting to make a Polish movie while failing miserably in the process.
