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Terrorstorm (2006)

June. 26,2006
| Documentary

Throughout history, regimes have used terror attacks as a means of control over their populations, and for the last 100 years, Western governments have employed the same measures.


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Pretty Good


I wanted to but couldn't!

Jenna Walter

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.


Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.


This documentary is one of the best doc's i have ever seen, it covers 7-7 and 9-11 terrorist attacks, but to my and your surprise, it proves it was an inside job. an excellent and very well prepared work of alex jones, he is one of a few truth seekers in a world full of lies.one seen should have been added to this movie, the life broadcast of alex jones show dated 25-7-2001 warning of a terrorist attack by the u.s. government on new york, thus to be blamed on ben laden .. asking his listeners to write to there congress members and to the white house saying : we know what you are gonna do to us .. stop it .. don't do it .. we know !!now i know alex, maybe a little bit late, but better than never .


I'm amazed that even once the nature of these videos is revealed to the viewer, they still attract unintelligent, illiterate replies as the one featured on this IMDb page.The point of this movie is this... go looking for sensitive information and you will find documents that inevitably force you to ask difficult questions. You may not like the manner in which you were forced to consider these questions, but as soon as you're unable to provide substantial answers (beyond defaming individuals who have chosen to look outside the box), you will become paralysed by knowing that you've been lied to, and impassioned (like Jones, Avery etc) to find the truth.There is always a figure in power, willing to do anything to stop the truth from being told....So, if you value the media industry and your right to understand how information is disseminated, and more importantly the quality of that information,... I suggest you look into this film -- and others like it: 9/11 Mysteries, Loose Change 911 -- and most especially "Hijacking Catastrophe", an excellent piece of documentary work.Then, and only when you've matured out of the view that what we're told is true, or that one person's public reputation is worth more than another, it becomes worthwhile to investigate movies like TerrorStorm.Otherwise, you might as well log-off from IMDb now, check your TV-Times and prepare a feast of junk-food in time for Wheel of Fortune on Channel Two. While you sit, glued to your sofa, killing your chances (and ours!) of survival, because you failed to realise that you have the power to lift this veil of secrecy that surrounds us, and that the truth really IS out there.But -- if you're not interested in discovery, then why on earth would you be interested in watching this film, or others like it...? Conspiracy theories are only minority opinion until an impartial investigation can reveal the facts -- and when they do, the tidal wave of mainstream consensus comes flooding along, shepherding us all along in the same direction, just to make the world seem round again.You may not like Alex Jones, Dylan Avery, David Icke or Charlie Sheen (tho personally I think he did good on Wall Street),.... but at least do us the favour of reviewing the CONTENT Of their films and reviewing the NETWORK of evidence they have had the inspiration to present, instead of purely criticising their DELIVERY.Btw, Amazon really do deliver for free... no propaganda in that statement!...To those who wish to Keep their mind safe and secure... keep questioning what you're told to believe. Eventually the riddle will run dry and we'll all realise how much propaganda we've swallowed.Or, pay your taxes & play the lottery. But don't dare dream of protest when your government blows your brother apart, one sunny day on a packed tube-train-ride into work.This is a film for independent thinkers. It is not gospel,.. merely an evolution of thoughts.... like all real-media. Find someone with a delivery you enjoy and you'll also enjoy realising how little you really know.>> from a UK 7/7 survivor...


Controlled demolition is the only plausible answer for World Trade Center 7. Controlled demolition proves 9/11 was preplanned. The NORAD drill of WTC attack on the same day as the actual attack is beyond coincidence. Likewise, the NORAD stand down is too convenient. The Pentegon attack with no plane wreckage is unbelievable. The Government refusal to release pentagon video beyond the 5 frames is inexplicable except if the videos show damning evidence against the Government. Shanksville: Why no bodies at the claimed wreck site. Why was wreckage strewn over 6-8 miles. Why no plane wreckage at the claimed crash site.Why is the main steam media hawking terror night after night. Why did the British Government attack it's own citizens with the same tactics as the 9/11 attack. Why are Americans so dense. Why can't they see WTC 7 fell straight down in 9 seconds, right into its basement. Never in the history of the world has a steel skyscraper fallen from fire. FEMA said "low probability" but, fires made it fall. Then NIST said it was not fires, but structural failure. NIST claimed a huge gash, approximately 60 feet wide, 25 feet deep, and 15 stories high caused the collapse. I have not seen one picture of this "gash" and I have been looking. If the gash is true, then why didn't FEMA, who needed a reason, not even mention this huge gash. Possibly it did not exist. Why is NIST taking so long to publish it's final report. I believe they are stalling as long as they can. No one want to give the answer that must be given. Ladies and gentlemen, greedy men have taken control of our economic, government, and media systems. Freedom is being taken from us. Thank you Alex Jones, and many others who are speaking out and saying "Enough."Ron Barlean


Let's can we talk about details here: Alex Jones - has interviews, admissions (downright bragging by officials) The posters - some stretched argument with no examples1. Spain (911 days after 9/11) Research points to Spanish intel. Spain is right now prosecuting someone as actually being in Al Qaeda (in fact 29 someones) who blew up the trains. So which is it, Spain? ETA? Al Qaeda? Some group claiming responsibility for the blackouts in the Northeast US?They did blame Al Qaeda originally. Then they had to backtrack so they blamed ETA. Now that nobody remembers Spain that much we're back to Al Qaeda.By the way isn't it odd that in London it only took four people (allegedly) but it takes an entire family reunion to take out trains in Spain.Seriouly if you're going to debunk do some research.2. Alex Jones DID go to London (that was too easy, c'mon guys) There was a drill prior to the attack just like the war games on 9/11. The train bombers bought tickets for future vacations. (what are they Buddhists reincarnating Islamic terrorists now?)3. Admissions (yes damn it people admit these things because they're high on it) Operation Northwoods started, killed by Kennedy. Operation Ajax, BRAGGED about by Kermit Roosevelt, We kicked out a PRO-WEST anti-communist leader in Iran so British Petroleum (BP) would keep its monopoly. He wanted the oil for Iran. Operation Gladio, more of the same. Admitted by the Italian government. USS Maine destroyed to start the Spanish American war. USS Liberty attack by Israel to blame it on Egypt.And finally David Rockefeller admits on Page 405 of his Memoirs that he is guilty of treason against practically ALL CIVILIZED SOCIETY.4. Why don't they care about the innocent? Maybe because they think we're nothing? All throughout history kings and lords used soldiers to keep the masses fighting amongst themselves. Why should it be different this century?My question to the debunkers WHERE's your evidence?
