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Fitzwilly (1967)

December. 20,1967
| Comedy Romance
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When Miss Vicki's father dies, she becomes the world's greatest philanthropist. Unfortunately, she is flat broke! Her loyal butler, Claude Fitzwilliam, leads the household staff to rob from various businesses by charging goods to various wealthy people and misdirecting the shipments, all to keep Miss Vicki's standard of living.


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Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


First, let me just point out to one reviewer (bop pop, or something like that) that Fitzwilly is NOT a Disney film, so if you find it immoral, well, don't blame them.Secondly, it IS just a movie, and considering some of the horrible junk that has been brought out by Hollywood over the years- some of which was intended for children, some not- it's hard to even think of this charming, little film as immoral, disgusting or anything else.I initially sought out this movie- and bought it before seeing it- simply because I'm a huge "Get Smart" fan, and therefore, adore Barbara Feldon. I've read a few of the male reviewers saying they had big crushes on her. I didn't get to witness this miracle comedy until my late teens during the early 90s when Nick @ Nite began showing it, but as a young woman, Barbara Feldon became an iconic role model to me- and to many others I know.After viewing this movie, I was thankfully not disappointed, which sometimes can happen when you watch or buy a film simply because someone you like from another show is in it. Dick Van Dyke and Barbara Feldon had wonderful chemistry. There were also quite a few supporting roles played by sometimes veteran character actors and some just starting out (including a very young Sam Waterston- before his incredible "Law & Order" days).The humor was witty and sweet, and the premise was (and I think most people should know this) not to be taken seriously. I think we all know it's wrong to steal or to lie or to break the law, but there are quite a few films that create heroes out of anti-heroes and most people aren't complaining about them. (For instances here are a few I pulled off the top of my head- "Chicago", where the main characters are murderers, dishonest lawyers and bribe taking wardens; "Thelma & Louise", where two women start out on a fun trip, but through unfortunate circumstances, become outlaws on the run; and even "Pirates of the Caribbean", where the audience is rooting for Jack Sparrow, a fun-loving guy with a good heart, but who is, after all, still a pirate.) Some have said this is a children's movie. I certainly think it's safe for a child to watch it, but sometimes the subtle humor might go over their heads. I think it's just a fun, lovely movie, with wonderful actors, having a good laugh, and creating an enjoyable couple of hours.


For reasons you will discover when watching the film, this used to be shown every Christmas on TV. I think the word which perhaps describes it best is, "cute". If you enjoy other lighthearted 60's comedies, you should like this one also. It's a shame this is still available only on VHS pan-and-scan, but it doesn't distract from the plotI noticed Turner Classic Movies is showing it Dec. 22, 2005. Perhaps they show it every year, I don't know. So if you want to see it in its original wide screen version, all you need is basic cable. Otherwise, you're stuck with this old tape. Does anybody really use VHS anymore?!ENDHere is some extra text so my review comes up to the required 10 lines. Personally, I prefer shorter reviews. I don't want to know all about a movie before I see it, just a clue of whether or not I would enjoy watching it. I think the less you know of a movie beforehand the more enjoyment is retained! Well, that should about make the required 10 lines!


This is one of the best comedy films I have ever seen. It really lifts my spirits when I am down. Dick Van Dyke and Barbara Feldon were great as well as having an excellent supporting cast. Of course the whole premise of the film is preposterous. Sooner or later Fitzwilly and crew would have been caught. But then I don't think being realistic makes for a very good comedy. As far as the comments one individual made about the film being "immoral" I will say that the film was never intended to be taken seriously. If it were to be taken seriously it would be a drama and not a comedy. Besides, Fitzwilly didn't steal to get rich or amass a fortune, but rather to support Miss Vicky out of gratitude for her kindness to him. Besides, Juliet reformed him in the end. Furthermore Fitzwilly only stole from the rich. The government and the rich steal from the average person every single day! In addition, the user who commented that it was Miss Vicky's father and not her husband who died and left her penniless was correct.

Lady Jasmine

Fitzwilly without a doubt is one of the BEST Dick Van Dyke movies ever made. It is sleek, elegant and has a sophisticated brand of comedy that has become an almost extinct breed. The story moves along at a fast clip, with just enough suspense that you wonder what will happen next at the same time you are laughing hysterically and a touching romance to boot! Although kids could watch this movie and get some laughs out of the few sight gags, it's unlikely that many would understand the more subtle dry humour that reigns throughout; still this is a movie that can be watched and enjoyed by the whole family! I am eagerly looking for a DVD release!
