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Feds (1988)

October. 28,1988
| Comedy Crime

Ellie DeWitt and Janis Zuckermann are admitted to the very strict FBI Training Academy. They get a hard course, in which they learn to deal with guns and to recognise crimes. They also get a physical training. It appears that Ellie is a real fighting- machine, in contrast with Janis, the great student. They have to help each other, all the way to graduation.


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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


Feds is great! So much humour and wit mixed with butt-kicking.The movie really is empowering for any woman who works in a male-dominated field. They really do show many of the guys how to do the job right.There is also a great showing of support for each other that really helps make the difference.I wish they would release it to DVD. VHS is really a sad medium for film now. I want to add Feds to my DVD collection.If you haven't seen Feds, do yourself a favour and rent it if you still own a VCR.


This is one of my five favorite comedy movies.Mary Gross gives an inspired and hilarious performance as the nerdy, neophyte, near-Fed.Rebecca De Mornay is perfect as the straight foil for Mary, and Fred Thompson did a much better job of impersonating an FBI instructor than he ever did at impersonating a Senator.Tony Longo as the sailor in the bar was also outstanding.It also had a great beat, and was easy to dance to. I give it an 80, Dick.


Feds is not a cerebral type of film by any standard, but is still a lot of fun to watch. The two female agents in training complement each other well - one is in great physical shape but not the studying type, the other is a bookworm with no athletic skills, and they end up helping each other through training. Despite the possible premise, this film does not come across as a vehicle for feminism or political correctness; the male agents are not portrayed as bumbling or dumb, and the two women are by no means the perfect trainees, and in fact they realize they were signed up just because the FBI needed some female trainees. Though the plot may have some holes and it's obvious it was filmed no where near Washington, it's a funny movie and worth seeing.


I love this movie. I own this movie. I watch this movie whenever I need a quick pick-me-up. Rebecca DeMornay and Mary Gross play off of each other so well (Rebecca's the "straight-man" and Mary's the comic relief.) The girls are trainees in the FBI Academy--chosen because of their gender rather than their skills. Ellie (Rebecca)is the ex-marine who has no trouble with the physical requirements but can't do the academics. Janice (Mary) is the multi-degreed academic standout who can't pass the physical tests. Teamed up as roommates, they are forced to work together so both can realize the dream of becoming a Special Agent. Good clean fun for the whole family. Enjoy!
