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Connie and Carla

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Connie and Carla (2004)

April. 16,2004
| Comedy Crime Music
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After accidentally witnessing a mafia hit in the Windy City, gal pals Connie and Carla skip town for L.A., where they go way undercover as singers working the city's dinner theater circuit ... disguised as drag queens. Now, it's not enough that they become big hits on the scene; things get extra-weird when Connie meets Jeff -- a guy she'd like to be a woman with.


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I love this movie so much


Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


Sadly Over-hyped


The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;


Connie and Carla, two Broadway musical-lovin' middle-aged best friends, are having trouble finding work. When they witness their boss being killed by two criminals, they head to L.A. and end up posing as drag queens in order to stay under the radar. However, their act is too impressive and the duo quickly become a sensation. This spells trouble for Connie and Carla because the men who killed their former boss is after them. Meanwhile, Connie falls for the brother of another drag queen, but cannot reveal her identity because it would blow their cover. At first I was wary of what appeared to be yet another "Some Like It Hot" knock-off, but by the first 15 minutes I had fallen in love with the movie. Connie and Carla are two of the most likable female characters in recent cinema and you can't help but feel for them during their highs and lows.I don't know who the target audience of "Connie and Carla" is supposed to be. Single women? Gay men? Well, it doesn't really matter. "C&C" is a great feel-good film, no matter what some nasty film critics may say. Great costume design, musical numbers (the actresses faired quite well in the singing department) and amazing chemistry between all the actors help to make this a very enjoyable film.


Imagine yourself stuck in Austin Texas in the middle of ridiculous August heat, and the only thing on TV is this weird movie about a pair of girls running around in the city. Suddenly you're hooked on a whirlwind adventure into world of drag queens and comedy, with surprising stars like David Duchovny stepping outside their normal roles for a little fun.Full of the best show tunes, outrageous costumes, drag-city make up and an appearance by Debbie Reynolds, a more charming, funny movie I couldn't have asked for. My mother and I laughed ourselves silly, we've never enjoyed a hotel room more. Definitely a diamond in the rough, well worth the renting for a girl's night out.

LuEllen Lang (brightgreenconverse77)

this is an excellent movie it is my all-time favorite everyone i have ever talked to that have seen this movie agree with me it is very good you wont regret it if you see it i watched it a billion times i know every song in this movie and my mom still wonders where i learned them this movie may change your life forever it has mine it shows me to stand up for myself and do whats right this movie had me laughing for days!! this is one of those movies that are so good you don't want it to end there needs to be a sequel on this one it is that good they chose a great cast they portrayed the characters very well my mom loves it my sister loves it my friends love it it is the best movie i have ever seen!


I had great hopes for this movie, two actresses I have enjoyed watching before on screen and lots of show tunes what could I not like.In fact I did like it, there were some funny moments, the stage numbers were good, both ladies performing very well, Toni in particular. Stroke of genius having Debbie Reynolds turn up at the end, though it would have been good to see all of the song, just to make it a bit camper! So there is lots going for it, that said it is what it is, light and without a great deal of substance. I expect it will appeal to gay men more than any other demographic group but it should not be dismissed out of hand, because of that, so lets not get snobby about what is essentially a bit of fun.
