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Reality Bites

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Reality Bites (1994)

February. 18,1994
| Drama Romance
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A small circle of friends suffering from post-collegiate blues must confront the hard truth about life, love and the pursuit of gainful employment. As they struggle to map out survival guides for the future, the Gen-X quartet soon begins to realize that reality isn't all it's cracked up to be.


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That was an excellent one.


From my favorite movies..


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


Yeah, I saw this movie. What would you like to know? What are the names of the actors in this movie? That's an example of the types of questions you can ask. Who directed this movie? Are they from America? Does this movie have a soundtrack? These are other examples of really good questions to ask me. Here is like another good question- Does what happens in the movie, like is it important, like is it significant to the plot? This is the part of the review where I try to stretch it, y'know, ran out of things to say but I'm still trying to meet the bare minimum of what constitutes for a review. These last few words here should do just that.


It's like a vortex, the Reality Bites pitch video Ben Stiller's character shows Winona's is actually THIS MOVIE! The writer must've made a checklist of all of the 90's "edgy topics" like AIDS, homosexuality, and then threw in some 80's "parents just don't understand", making for a very after school special like tsunami of cheese. It looks promising from the cover but it's really a Hollywood movie trying to act like an indie flick, a product of grunge being highly marketable that year. It didn't do it for me when I saw its debut at 16, and after giving it another try just now it's even worse than what I remember. I really hope future generations don't refer to this film to see what life was like back then. It doesn't come close to having the same depth John Hughes movies had the previous decade.I guess this is Ben Stiller's directorial debut and I'm so glad he went on to do comedy instead. You can see some of his self deprecating humor when he freaks out at Ethan Hawke's character near the end.I don't know if there is a really definitive Generation X 90's movie, I'd vote Chasing Amy if I had to pick one though.


Broad and shallow film directed by Ben Stiller spins an unoriginal and unsurprising tale with characters and situations seen a dozen times before. The only things that have changed are the clothes, the soundtrack, the slang and the cultural references which begin to feel like the film's only purpose for being. This film covers ground so familiar that it's flat and barren. The central characters feel like stand-ins for real people, the romance doesn't spark, and the one-dimensional feel of it all makes this more about Generation ZZZZZZ than X. Not one of the actors has an original or memorable moment or anything of interest to say.

Marianne Rosa-Diab

this movie made me want to have grown up in the 90s! actually, i was 2yrs old when it came out so i didn't watch it until a few days ago. so obviously i don't know it its depiction of that generation is too accurate. But the thing is that even if on the surface it seems different today, the core of their angst remains the same. as a university student and an "adult" i'm supposed to have everything figured out and be in complete touch with who i really am inside. but the truth is that i'm so far from it, it's a miracle i can make any decisions about my future. i know what i want but i don't exactly who i am. weird, right?! so i really don't think its outdated or too old to relate to. also, i read some of the other reviews that criticized the characters; like how much Ryder's character nags, or how cynical or simply lazy hawk's character is, or how slutty and stereotypical Vicky is. i simply disagree; everyone is annoying and has depression periods in their lives when cant find a job after college, when they had all these hopes and dreams when graduating. troy is not lazy and is not too philosophical, he is simply a smart individual who refuses to get submerged by all those corporate society elements around him. and Vicky is just a normal young woman that works hard (becoming manager of the gap) and plays hard (sexual life and AIDS scare).so instead of looking at it in a really superficial manner, the deeper point of view is fascinating. and the implied meanings (fear, dreams, love, existence,...) with many more reasons, are what makes this one of my favorite movies.
