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Perrier's Bounty

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Perrier's Bounty (2010)

May. 22,2010
| Drama Action Comedy Crime
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A gangster named Perrier looks to exact his revenge on a trio of fugitives responsible for the accidental death of one of his cronies.


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I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much


Purely Joyful Movie!


Highly Overrated But Still Good


One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.


I cannot imagine why anyone likes anything about this film. I'm about 20 minutes into it, taking a break from the boring task at home of putting some curtains up. Putting up curtains is becoming an attractive alternative to watching this piece of rubbish. It's a good argument for countries not to have a film board, as I see this was subsidised by the Irish Film Board. Quite why a country would use its tax money to finance a movie that shows its capital as full of violent loan sharks and hapless drug addicts is beyond me. It seems to be an inferior Irish copy of the already inferior type of gangster Mockney movies produced by the former Mrs Madonna.

Richard Burin

When his plans to pay back a €1,000 debt go awry, scruffy criminal Cillian Murphy, the girl he loves (Jodie Whittaker) and his dying dad (Jim Broadbent) have to stay one step ahead of Brendan Gleeson's goons, who want to lop off his willy and put it up his bottom. Given the cast, this crime-comedy is a big disappointment, with a poor, mannered script of the type currently entrancing the Irish Film Board: a torrent of swearing and a show-off's vocabulary intending to compensate for a complete absence of anything to say. Man. Sorry, everyone in the film says "Man" all the time, like it's 1967 (or Manchester in 1998). Films like Brick really did create their own vernacular; this isn't how you do that. The movie is also saturated in the kind of obvious post-modern irony of which The Guard was sometimes guilty. Gleeson gives an excellent performance and Murphy and Broadbent are both quite good, but it's a smug and unsatisfying film, the agreeable invention of parts of the plotting and a handful of nice lines obliterated by a blizzard of bull faeces and a climactic death scene that is a new kind of rubbish. Perrier's Bounty sounds like a two- for-one at WHSmith. That it's actually less inspiring than that is probably a criticism.


This is not a movie to be taken too seriously, but if you are looking a good, lighthearted mix of drama, action and ironic comedy, this is a fantastic choice.I've not researched all of those who were involved in each movie, but the feel is very similar to In Bruges with Colin Farrell (which I highly recommend - especially if you've ever been to Bruges), maybe because the great Brendan Gleeson is in both...The settings, from the bar, to the bad guys' headquarters are great and, in addition to Brendan, the cast does a great job with what they are given. I had not seen much of Jodie Whittaker's work before this, but I will be looking forward to more from here for sure.I did read another review that mentioned the fact that some of the characters were not fully developed and, while it may have been a constraint of budget, having more background on Jodie's character would have made you despise her boyfriend more and cheer for her and the protagonist in this case.Nevertheless - nine stars.


Perrier's Bounty is a gangster flick packed full of fantastic actors like Jim Broadbent . Brendan Gleeson and Cillian Murphy so why has nobody heard of it? I'm not totally sure why this passed everyone by when it was released in May because it's a pretty decent film. It has plenty of action , it full of humour and Broadbent and Gleeson are on top of their game. The only criticism i can really give it is that the story is uninspiring. It's as if the director got the best actors around yet forgot about the plot. It can be compared to the likes of Lock, Stock and two smoking Barrels but without the cutting edge. Despite this I'm sure most people will enjoy it , that's if anybody can get hold of it!
