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Remember Sunday

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Remember Sunday (2013)

April. 21,2013
| Drama Romance TV Movie
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A lonely, down-on-her-luck waitress meets a handsome, quirky jewelry store clerk and thinks that maybe, finally, she's met Mr. Right. The more Molly gets to know Gus, the more she's intrigued by him. But she's also mystified. Gus is absent-minded, preoccupied. Is he hiding something? The short answer is: yes. He's reluctant to share with her that since suffering a brain aneurysm, he's totally lost his short-term memory. Every day is a brand new day, his life starts anew. Every day he sees Molly he struggles to remember who she is and what she represents. Every day, he has to fall in love with her all over again.


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You won't be disappointed!


Thanks for the memories!


Good movie but grossly overrated


Absolutely Fantastic

ivan jekic

I watched a TV and this just caught my attention how sweet and intriguing this coupe was. It kept me glued to the screen. The story, the casting, the setting... I don't remember when I watched a film that made me feeling like this.I was truly moved, touched and teared. Everything about it was so sweet and also heartbreaking, but in a good way at least. Molly is such a sweetheart, it's unbelievable and Gus is... sincere to the bone.Well I ended up purchasing this film for future watching. I know I will return to it for many many times.I wholeheartedly recommend this film for everyone! Especially for couples and families - spend some quality time together and maybe you'll learn what's the most important in life - again.

Dalia Ehab

I hate what romance movie do with me this is incredible the way he look at her everyday the way he love her how he talks about his passion how molly memorize his quotes this is what I want someone who knows his passion this is truly an amazing movie with a wonderful story which means sacrifice even though its made just like 50 dates but I think remember Sunday is better the way they look at each other they really know how act dammit ACTors why do you do this to me this movie really shows how love can do a lot to a person i really liked the way he shows the suffer of people who have ammisa its just amazing and those two actress makes great chemistry.love is incredible don't you just love love )

Reeya Moreno

50 first dates + the vow. Can't help the comparison. but, in fairness, this movie has a more sound morale.Zachary Levi played a good leading man in the movie, along with the appealing leading lady, rightful for romantic movies girls can swoon over. practically, the flow has a stereotypical romantic movie storyline. but, i like how there was sound presentation and development of the different views and characters of the two subjects; how their inclination also reflect their perspective. how each choice was reasonable relative to the character. and the circumstances in the movie were practical.teaches you how love is a choice. sweet movie.

Michael L.S.

The underlying premise of the movie is engaging and intriguing. Even though I am not an aficionado of the romance genre, the supposed comedic angle would have made this a watchable and enjoyable picture were it not for a few problems.1) The quickfire, shoot-from-the-hip, smartassy dialog is absurd. For most of the movie I had a feeling I was watching an outtake from the Gilmore Girls (the couple of episodes of which that I watched I found supremely annoying). (Actually, as I was writing this review, I checked the casts of the two, and it turns out that Molly had indeed "starred" in G.G.!) Producers/scriptwriters, here's a clue for you: NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT IN REAL LIFE!!! 2) Characters routinely goof up but everything works out great. Missed an alarm or your crummy auto won't start? No problem. Just run through the beautiful morning city, pick (read: steal) a bunch of flowers from a public park, hop on a picturesque tram, and arrive at your destination smelling of apple pie. Meanwhile, most people in the real world would have to contend with inconsiderate drivers, get fined for vandalizing public property, wait a quarter hour for a tram, and at the end they'd be out of breath and reek of sweat for the rest of the day.Or take Molly's college paper. The first time around she gets a C. She then has a "profound" (*rolls eyes*) roller-coaster experience with Gus, which causes an existential paradigm shift in her, and she scores an A+ on the redo. If ONLY college studies worked like that! Forget spending hours doing laborious and tedious research; just fix to get your heart broken then made whole again, and you're golden! 3) I can't believe the reviews here extolling the acting. The characters are one-dimensional and predictable. They oscillate between Prozac-like ecstasy/effervescence and defeat/disappointment/despondency.4) Gus was supposed to be another Einstein? Yeah. Right. Because a guy in his, what, late 20s could have become more of an accomplished Einstein than Einstein himself was. And because a fallen Einstein is seemingly abandoned by all his former N.A.S.A. and other colleagues, friends, and acquaintances, bar literally his sister and one best friend. And because a fallen Einstein needs a messed-up college dropout to apprise him of the existence of revolutionary medical treatments to cure his condition.(5) The cheap, trite muzak does nothing to elevate this picture. They really could have put some more effort into the musical score.In fairness, the movie does not insult us with a happily-ever-after ending and does make it clear that if Gus and Molly's relationship - such as it is - is to survive, a lot of sacrifice would be needed. That is a commendable message. I just wish it could have been made without an hour and a half-long rigmarole plagued by the problems listed above.So, yeah.Meh.
